k only differs from the mufcle of the fecond ring, in that it is*
erofled by the oppofite mufcle, whereas k croffes, the op polite
As the mufcles 1, n, o, p, o f this ring arefimilar to thole of,
the preceding one, they need not he defcrihed.
q is- a triangular mufcle ; the bafe o f it: is faffened to the laft'
fold of it’s ring, on the lower fide it is .fixed to the mufcle o, thee
fiimmit to the fldivat; the edge of.the cavity for the leg..
T he eight following Rings*.
We difcove-r here the gaftriomufcleSj i, k, 1; m*.
The mufcle i is quite {trait, and is pi deed at a little, difiance-
from the inferior line -, it is broad at thEr fourth ring, ■ but diminifties,
gradually- in breadth to the- eleventh. It is united at -the fourth
but is divided into two heads, which divaricate in .the following
rings. In the fix next rings thefe heads are fixed nearly at, the; ■
fame place with a^andf; in the other two it . terminates at the -
fold of .the ring.. The anterior infertion of the .firft and la{l isjtit
the fold, where the- ring, begins ; that o f the fix .others is . fomer
what lower, under.the place where the mufcle. 1, which precedes-;
them, finilhes,
k is an oblique mufcle; whofe lower infertion is at the {kin near;
i j the other- at the- intermediate, inferior, up.on the fold which;
fepurates the following ring; it is miffing in the eleventh ring.
1 is a large mufcle which co-operates with M ; in opening and
{hutting the fpiraculum, one of it’s fixtures is near the intermediate
inferior line, at about the fame height as i ; the tail finilhes a little
lower than the fpiraculum.
T we l f t h R i n g .
There remains here only the gaftric mufcle d, which is a fafci-
cle of fix, feven, or eight mufcles ; the firft fixture of thefe is at
the fubdivifion of the ring, near the inferior line; one or two
crofs this, and at the fame time the fimilar mufcles o f the oppo-
fite fide. Their fixture is at the bottom o f the foot; their function
is to concur with the mufcle tt, in bringing back the foot,
and loofen the claw from what it lays hold of.
We perceive here the mufcle fit; one o f it’s infertions is at the
bottom of the foot, near d ; the other extremity near the fubdivifion
of the ring.
Explanation of Fig. 5 and 6, Plate XH.
The anatomical delineation of the head, which is given at Fig.
5 and 6, ffiould be confidered as confifting of two figures, which
join in the middle, being terminated by the inferior and fuperior
lines. It will ‘be impoffible in this place to give more than-a‘very
loofe idea o f the head of the caterpillar in thefe twoffigures, as M.
Lyonet found it neceffary to employ twenty, in order to difplay
properly'the-organization o f this part. Thefe wiH, however, be
fufficient to give fome idea -of it to-thofe who cannot procure or
read the work itfelf; it may alfo ferve to ftimulate thofe who
<J'u 2