Microscop 44® i c a l E s s a y s .
The mouth, or anterior part of each of thefe bodies, now opens
by degrees; and in proportion as they open, the lips o f the new
vorticella begin to difplay themfelves. The motion before fpoken
o f may then alfo be pereeived. Indeed it is the belt time o f ob-
ferving i t ; it is at firft flow, but more rapid in proportion as the
mouth opens, when it is as fwift as that of the vorticella before it
began to divide, and we may now look upon it as completely
formed. A vorticella is generally about one hour in dividing,
The lower of the three drawings, Fig, go, reprefents two vor--
ticellas joined by their pofterior extremity to one pedicle; foon
after the divifion, each vorticella begins to fliew a- pedicle o f
it’s own.
Fig., go reprefents a duller o f eight vorticella»; By this:
figure we may form feme idea in what manner the pedicles are
difpofed as their number increafes; there were at firft only two.
at b, whofe branches lengthened to d, and then each o f them was;
divided into two, now forming four; thefe again lengthened and;
reached i,. when they were again fubdivided, as in the figure.
The reader will join with M. Bonnet in admiring the group o f
wonders afforded by a fingle fpot of mouldinefs. What unforeseen,
varied, and interefting fcenes are prefented within fo fmall a.
compafs ! what a theatre is exhibited to a thinking mind ! But our
abode is fo reclufe, that we have but a glimmering view of it:;
how great would oftr aftonifhment be, if the whole fpeftacle was
difclofedto us at once, and we were enabled to penetrate into the
interior ftruclure o f this wonderful, affemblage of living atoms! ‘
1 Our
Our eyes fee only the grofs part of the decorations, whilft the machines
that execute them remain in impenetrable darknefs! Who
fliall enlighten this profound obfcurity, or dive into an abyfs
where reafon is loft, or draw from thence thetreafures o f wifdom
concealed within it ? Let us learn to be content with the fmall
portion that is communicated to us, and contemplate with gratitude
the firft traces of human underftanding that are imparted to
us in thefe difcoveries.
V orti cella B erberina.
Vorticella compofita, floribus ovalibus muticis, ftirpe ramofa.
Compound, with oval beardlefs florets.
This is a fpecies o f the vorticella;, which refemble the preceding
one in many refpecls, particularly in being multiplied in the
fame manner, that is, by dividing, or fplitting, according to it’s
They are more flender than the vorticella umbellaria; the
branchés of the clufters are tranfparent. When many o f them are
together, they appear of a changeable violet colour; the clufters
ere not unlike a fprig Qf fpun glafs. The motion o f the lips is not
fo eafily diftinguilhed as in the foregoing fpecies, though it may
■ bé obferved in thefe whilft they are opening and completing their
formation. For at thefe times the motion is but flow, whereas it
becomes afterwards very quick in thofé that are arrived at a ftate
■ of perfection,
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