is difcoverable at the apex of the fore-part, which feems to be
the mouth. When in motion, the whole of it appears opake and
green. Is found in marlhes.
27, Enchelis Defes.
Enchelis viridis, cylindrica, fubacuminata gelatinofa. Green,
cylindrical, gelatinous, the ends fomewhat pointed.
The body is round, the colour a very dark green, fo that it is
quite opake ; the fore-part is bluntly rounded off, the hinder part
is fomewhat tapering, but finilhes with a rounded end. From it’s
opacity, no internal parts can be difcovered ; there is a degree o f
tranfparency near the ends.
It is exceeding idle, moving very flowly; to be found, though
rarely, in an infufion o f lemnae.
„ - 28. Enchelis Similis.
Enchelis obovato-opaca, interaneis mobilibus. Enchelis o f an
egg-fhapc, opake, with moveable inteftines.
It is an opake body, with a .pellucid margin ; both extremities
areobtufe, but the upper one much more fo than the under one;
it is filled with moveable fpherules. It’s motion is generally
quick, either to the right or the left; it is probably fumifhed with
hairs, becaufe, when moving rapidly, the margin appears ftri-
ated. It is found in water that has been kept for months.
29. En-
2g. Enchelis Serotina.
Enchelis ovato-cylindracea, interaneis immobilibus. Enchelis
partly oval, partly cylindrical, the interior parts immoveable.
An oval animalculum, round, the fore-part fmaller than the
hind-part, the margin o f a black colour ; it is replete with grey
veficular, molecules, and moves flowly,
go. Enchelis Nebulofa.
Enchelis ovato-cylindracea, interaneis manifeftis mobilibus.
Oval and -cylindric enchelis, with vifible moveable inteftines.
The body is Ihaped like an egg; the fore-part narrow, and
often filled with opake confufed inteftines ; in moving, it elevates
the fore-part of the body. It is found in the fame water as the
cyclidium glaucoma, but is three times larger, and an hundred
times more fcarce.
g i . Enchelis Seminulum.
Enchelis cylindracea acqualis. Enchelis equally cylindric.
It is a cylindrical animalculum, twice as long as it is broad,
the fore and hind-part o f the fame fize ; the inteftines in the forepart
are pellucid, thofe in the hinder-part obfcure. It moves by
afcending and defcending alternately. It may be feen fometimes
g O fwimming