233. Trichoda Gallina.
Trichoda elongata, «ntice finuata, froate crinita, cauda pilofa.
Long trichoda, the fore-part finuated, the front hairy, the tail
formed o f fmall hairs.
The body flat, o f a grey colour, with feven large molecules
and globules within it, the front obtufe, and fet with hairs, the
hinder-part terminating in a tail, which is formed o f very fine
b&irs. J[t was found in river water.
234* Trichoda Mufculus. Fig. 7, Plate XXVL
Trichoda ovalis amice crinita, pollice fubtus caudata. E™ .
fliaped, the fore part hairy, the tail projeaing from the under-
A fmooth egg-fhaped animalculum, with a double margin, or
line, drawn underneath it, the fore-part narrow, and furnifhed
•with fhort hairs that are continually playing about; underneath
the hind-part is a fmall tail. It is furnifhed with molecular entrails
and moves flowly. Is found in infufions of hay, which
have been kept for feme months, a the head, b the tail.
235- Trichoda Delphis.
Trichoda clavata, fronte crinita, cauda acuminata, fubreflexa.
Climbed trichoda, the front hairy, the tail fmall, and rather bent
It is fmooth and pellucid, the fore-part dilated into. a femi-
eircle, decreafing in breadth towards the ta il; the hairs Hand as
rays from the femicircular edge at the front, one edge is fome-
times contracted. It is to be found in river water.
236. Trichoda Delphinus. Fig. 8, Plate XXVL
Trichoda oblonga, antice crinita, poftice cauda reflexa trun*
oata. Oblong, the fore-part hairy, in the hind-part is the tail,
which is turned back, the end o f it truncated..
A pellucid, fmooth, egg-fhaped animalculum; the hind-partis
produced into a tail about half the length of the body, dilated,
at the upper end, and truncated ; it is always bent upwards.
In the infide are veficles o f an unequal fize; it fometimes
moves on it’s belly, fometimes on one fide ; the tail feldom varies .
in it’s pofition. Was found iir hay that had been infufed for
feme months, a the hairs on the fore-part, b the tail..
237. Trichoda Clava.
Trichoda clavata, fronte crinita, cauda reflexili. The club
trichoda, the fore-part hairy, the tail turned back.
The fore-part is thick, the hind-part narrow, both extremities
obtufe, pellucid and replete with molecules, the hind-part bent
downwards towards the middle.