287. Vorticella Burfata. Fig. 32, Plate XXVI.
Vorticella viridis, apertura truncata, papillaque central!.
Green vorticella, the aperture truncated, with a central papillary
Ventrieofe, crammed with molecules, the fore-part truncated,
and both fides o f it, c c, pellucid ; in the center of the aperture
there is a prominent papilla or nipple b, which, when the ani-
malculum is at reft, _ appears notched ; the edge a a of the aperture
is. furrounded with c ilia th e fe ar& fometimes all erefted,
fljining, and in motion, or part bent back and quiefcent, and
part in motion ; fometimes a few o f them are collefied. together,
and turned back like litde hooks, one on each fide. Found in
felt water, a the cilia, b the proje&ing papilla, c the pellucid.
fpace at the fore-parti
288. Vorticella Varia..
Vorticella cylindrica, truncata-, opaca, nigricans. Cylindrical
truncated, opake, blackifh-coloured vorticella, the fore-partv
289. Vorticella Sputariunu.
Vorticella ventrofa, apertura orbiculAri, ciliis longis raris ex-,
centricis.. Ventrofe vorticella, with an orbicular aperture, and-
long hairs radiating as from a center,
This is a fingular animalculum, even among thofe where all
are fingular ; viewed fideways it is fometimes cylindrical, though
fomewhat tapering towards the hinder-part, with a broad pellucid
edge ; viewed from the top it has fometimes a broad face, or
difc, furnilhed with radiating hairs, the under part contrafted into
a globular fhape, o f a dark-green colour, and filled with fmall
grains. It was found in Oftober with the lelfer lemna.
290. Vorticella Polymorpha. Fig. 33, 34, 35, Plate XXVI.
Vorticella multiformis, viridis, opaca. Many-lhaped vorticella,
green, opake.
T o the naked eye it appears as a mod agile green point; when
viewed by the microfcope, it puts on every moment fo many and
fuch various forms, that they can neither be exhibited to the eye
by drawings, nor defcribed by words ; it is truly one of the wonders
o f nature, aftonilhing the mind, fatiguing the eye, and continually
exciting the fpeiiator to alk,
“ Ouo teneam vultus mutantem protea nodo ?”
Fig. 33, 34, 35, reprefent it in three different forms; a the
fore-part, g the hind-part, c the fore-part fimple, d the fore-part
turned in or doubled, the body is granulous, a feries of pellucid
points is fometimes to be obferved.