546 Mi c r os co p i c At Essay s .
examination; fome days after, all the fides were plain, without,
any convexity, and divided into little fquare fpaces by lines ,
croffing each.other., Found upon dunghills..
i;i6.. Gonium Corrugatum.
Gonium quadrangulare, albidtim, medio correptum. Quandt
angular gonium, white, funk a little in- the middle. .
It is fomewhat of a fquare lhape, very minute, without any,-
vifible vifcer'a,. a little dfepreffed in the middle. It is found in va- .
rious infufions; in fome pofitions it appears ftreaked.
117.. Gonium Reftangulum.
Gonium re&angulum, dorfo, arcuato. This gonium is-re&i-
angular, the hind-part arched..
It differs from the preceding one but. little, the angle at the bafe
a.right one, the.larger veliele is tranfp.arent, the reft green..
118. Gonium Truncatum.
Gonium obtufangulum, poftice arcuatum. Gonium with oh'»
tufe comers, the hind-part arched.:.
, Much larger than the foregoing, the fore-part is a ftrait line,,
the fides forming therewith obtufe angles, the ends o f thefeTides" ,
are united by a curved line ; the internal molecules are of a dark ;
Microscopical E s s a y s , 547
green, there are two little bright veficles in the middle, it’s motion
is languid. It is but rarely met with, and then moftly in pure
X. B p R S. A R I A .
Vermis limpliciflimus, membranaceus, cavus. A very Ample,
hollow, membranaceus worm.
1 lg. Burfaria Truncatella.
Burfaria ventricofa, apice truncata, Ventricofe burfaria, the
top truncated.
An animalculum that is vifible to the naked eye, white and
oval, truncated at the top, where there is a large aperture, the
opening that forms the aperture defcending towards the bafe ; at
the bottom o f moft of them there are three or five yellow eggs.
It moves itfelf at pleafure from right to left, and from left to
Tight, afcending to thefuperfieies of the water in a right line;
fometimes it rolls about while defcending.
120. Burfaria Bullina.
Burfaria cymbaeformis, antice lab rata. Boat-fhaped burfaria,
the fore-part formed into a lip.