238. Trichoda Cuniculus.
Trichoda oblonga, antice crinita, poftice fubacuminata.
Oblong, the fore-part hairy, the hind-part rather acute, filled
with molecules and black vehicles.
239. Trichoda Felis. Fig. 9, Plate XXVI.
Trichoda curvata, grofla, antice anguftior, poftice in caudam
attenuata, fubtus longitudinaliter crinita. Curved trichoda, large,
the fore-part fmall, the hinder-part gradually diminilhed fo as to
form a tail, the under-fide befet lpngitudinally with hairs, a the
head, b the tail, c the hairs.
240. Trichoda Rifcis. Fig. jg’and 14, Plate XXVI.
Trichoda oblongata, antice crinita, poftice in caudam exqui-
fitam attenuata. Oblong, the fore-part hairy, the hind-part terminating
in a very (lender tail. Smooth and pellucid, much
longer than it is broad, but o f nearly an equal breadth throughout,
filled with yellow molecules, the fore-part obtufe, the hincb
part exquifitely (lender and tranfparent, .the upper fide is convex.
a the fore-part, _b the tail.
,241. Trichoda Larus.
Trichoda élongata, teres, crinita, cufpidi caudali duplici.
Long round trichoda, befet with hairs, the tail divided into two
points. See Zoologia Danica.
Trichoda cylindracea, antice truncata et crinita, cauda elon-
gata, biarticulata & bifeta. Cylindrical trichoda, the fore-part
truncated and fet with hairs, the tail long, with two joints, and
terminated by two bridles, a the hairs at the mouth, d the oefo-
phagus, c the articulation o f the tail, f the bridles.
243. Trichoda Fixa.
Trichoda fphserica, peripheria crinita, pedicello folitario.
Spherical trichoda, the circumference fet with hairs, and a little
folitary pedicle projecting from the body.
244. Trichoda Inquilinus.
Trichoda vaginata, folliculo cylindrico hyalino, pedicello in-
tra folliculum retortili. Sheathed trichoda, in a cylindrical
tranfparent bag, and a little pedicle bent back within the bag.
See Zool. Dan. prodr. addend, p. 281.
245. Trichoda Ingenita.
Trichoda vaginata, folliculo deprefla, ball latiore feflilis.
Sheathed trichoda, the bag deprefled, the bafe broadeft.
The animalculum that is contained in this (heath is funnel-
(haped; a hair, Or hairs, may be perceived on each fide o f the
mouth o f the funnel. It can extend or contract itfelf' freely in
4 C the