It is among the fmaller animalcula ; the body is cylindrical
and bright, the hind-part obtufe, the fore-part .fmaller, and ter
mutating in a globule; a black line may now and then be perceived
down the middle o f it. 1
42. Enchehs Gemmata.
Enehelis cylindracea, ferie globulorum duplici, in collum
hyalmum producla. Enehelis with a cylindrical body, the
upper part prolonged into a tranfparent .neck, a double feries o f
globules running down the body. It’s motion is flow, and generally
ma firait line; it is found in ditch-water where the lemna thrives.
43. Enehelis Retrograda.
Enehelis hyalina, antice angufiata, apice globulari. Tranfparent
enehelis, the fore part rather fmaller, and terminating in
a finall globule, Fig. 11 and 12, Plate XXV.
It has a gelatinous tranfparent body; no viftble inteftines,
though a pellucid globule is difcoverable near the hinder part;
the body is thickeft in the middle, and grows fmaller towards
each end. It generally moves fide-ways, fometimes in a retrograde
manner; and if it is obflrucled in it’s motion, draws itfelf
up as it is reprefented at Fig. 11.
44. Enehelis Feftinans.
Enehelis cylindrica oblonga, obtufa, antice hyalina. Oblong
cylindrical enehelis; the ends obtufe, the lore-part tranfparent,
The body is round, o f an equal fize throughout, and both
ends obtufe; more than half the length is without any vifible
inteftines, the lower end full of Veficular, pellucid, minute <d0-
bules ; a large globular veficie is alfo to be found in the fore-part;
it moves quickly from one fide to the other, in a vacillatory
manner. It was found in fea-water.
45. Enehelis FarcimerL
Enehelis cylindracea curvata utrinque truncata. A cylindric
enehelis, crooked and truncated at both ends.
The body of this is cylindrical, about four times longer than
it is wide, even, truncated at both ends, the inteftines opake. and
not to be diftinguilhed; it turns the extremities oppofite ways,
fo as to form the figure of an S. It is to be found in water that
has flood for fome time, though but feldom. Joblot found it in
an infufion of blue bottles; it moves in an undulatoiy manner,
but very flowly.
46. Enehelis Index,
Enehelis inverfe conica, apicis altero angulo producla En-
chelis in the form o f an inverted cone, one edge of the apex
produced out fo as to form an angle with the other part.
The body rather opake, o f a grey colour, and of a Jong
conical figure; the lower end obtufe, the fore-pan thick, one
fide of this part projecting like a finger from the edge; two very
fmall projections proceed alfo fometimes from the fewer end.
. 4 This