66,. Vibrio Acus.
Vibrio linearis, colli, apice obtufo, cauda fetacea. Linear vibrio,
■ with a neck, the upper extremity obtufe, the lower one terminatin
g in a fetaceous tail.
This vibrio is o f the fhape of a fewing needle; the neck round,
partly tranfparent, and marked in the middle with a red point ;•
the trunk cylindrical, the edges obfcure, the middle bright, and
nearly of a triangular appearance, the tail is fine like a briftle. A
motion may be obferved in the infide of this little creature. It
does not bend the body when in motion.
67. Vibrio Sagitta..
Vibrio fublinearis, colli, apice truncato atro, cauda fetacear
Somewhat linear in it’s appearance, a well-marked neck, the apex;
truncated and open, the tail fetaceous.
The body is very long and flexible; broadeft towards the middle,
which is alfo filled with grey molecules ; the fore-part is;
drawn out into a flrait tranfparent neck, the upper end. o f it
thick and black. The motion o f this animalculum feems to be-
produced by the contraftion and extenfion of the neck. It is,
found in fait water.
68. Vibrio Gordius.
Vibrio sequalis, caudse apice tuberculato. Vibrio o f an equal
fize throughout* the tail terminated by a little tubercle.
A round, animalculum ; the fore-part for about one-fixth
of the whole length is tranfparent, and fumifhed with a fky-
coloured alimentary tube ; the lower part is bright and pointed,
the middle full of fmall globules; a fmall knob terminates the
tail. Found in an infufion made with fait water.
69» Vibrio Serpentulus.
Vibrio tequalis utrinque fubacuminatus. This vibrio is o f an
equal fize, rather pointed at both ends.
It is very fimilar to the vibrio anguillula, differing principally
in the fhape of the ends, which in this are pointed. It does not
adhere to objefts by the pointed tail; it is fumifhed with a long
row of the moll minute points..
It’s motion is ferpentine, fometimes to Be met with perfectly
ftrait and ftill,. and is found in infufions o f vegetables after fome
weeks ftanding; it is of a whitifh colour, the whole body is frequently
convoluted, and drawn into different figures.