176. Trichoda Gyrinus,.
Trichoda ovalis teres cryftallina, antice erinita. Oval, round;
cryftalline trichoda, the front hairy.
It is one of the fmalleft among the trichoda, the body fmooth
and free from hairs, except at the fore-part, where there are a.
few. Found in fait water.
177. Trichoda SoL Fig, 65 and 66, Plate XXV..
Trichoda globularis, undique radiata. Glohular trichoda}.
every-where radiated.
This fplendid creature eonftitutes a new genus, but as we know-
o f no more of the fame kind, it is introduced here. It is a little-
eryftalline round corpufele, the upper p arr convex ; it is befet
with innumerable diverging rays, which are longer than the
body, proceeding from every part of it’s furface: in the infide are-
fimilar molecules. The body contracts and dilates itfelf, the animalculum
remaining confined to the fame fpot.. It was found in,
water in which there were other infuforia, and which had beers
kept for three weeks. It propagates by divifion, and is, r.epre--
fented as dividing in Fig. 66..
178. Trichoda Solaris..
Trichoda fphaeroidea, peripheria erinita. Spheroidal trichoda,.
with a few hairs round, the circumference,.
M i cros cop i ca l E s says. 5 7 1
The body is bright, orbicular, with globular vifcera in the
middle of i t ; in many, a moveable fubftance, fomething like the
letter S , may be difcovered; it has feldom more than feventeen
hairs, which are difpofed round the circumference; each o f them
is in length nearly equal to the diameter of the animalculum.
179. Trichoda Bomba. Fig. 67 and 68.
Trichoda mutabilis, antice pilis fparlis. Changeable, with a
few hairs difperfed on the fore-part.
It is larger than the trichoda granata, and o f a yellow colour;
it is a thick animalculum, pellucid, and replete with a kind o f
clay molecules; it is very lively, moving about with fo much
velocity as to elude the fharpeft fight and moft pertinacious ob-
ferver, fometimes appearing fpherical, fometimes reniform, (kid-
ney-fhaped) fometimes as at Fig. 67.
180. Trichoda Orbis.
Trichoda orbicularis, antice emarginata erinita. Orbicular,
the fore-part notched and hairy.
It in fame refpecls refembles.the former,.but is larger ; is orbicular,
fmooth, and pellucid, a little' notched in the fore-part;
the hairs, which are longer than ufual, occupy this incifion, the
reft o f the margin has no hairs; the whole is compofed o f veficu-
lar molecules.