55. Vibrio Undula.
Vibrio filiformis flexuofus. A filiform flexuous vibrio.
A perfeft undulating little line, round, gelatinous, -without any
vifible inteftines. It is never ftrait; when at reft it refembles the-
letter V, when in motion the letter M, or a bending line like that
which geefe form in their flight through the air ; it’s motions are
fo rapid, that the eye can fcarce follow them. It generally refts.
upon the top of the water, fometimes it fixes itfelf obliquely by
one extremity, and whirls itfelf round.
This is the little creature- that Leeuwenhoeck lays exceeds in
flendernels the tail o f the animalculum feminale, which he has
defcribed in Fig. 5, Epif. Phyf. 41, being an hundred times I elk
than a muftard-feed, and on which he makes the following very juft
©bfervation : That as thefe very fmall animalcula- can contraft
and varioufly fold their little tails, we muft conclude that tendons,
and mufcles are as neceflhry to them as to other animals ; if to-
this we add the organs of fenfation, and thofe of the inteftines,.
the mind is loft in the aftonifhment which arifes from the im-
preffion of infinite, in the indefinitely fmall.
56. Vibrio Serpens.
Vibrio filiformis, ambagibus in angulum obtufum produ&is. A
filiform vibrio, the windings or flexures obtufe.
A flen-
A {lender gelatinous little animal, in the form of along ferpen-
tine line, all the bendings being nearly equal in fize, and at equal
diftances ; it generally moves in a ftrait line ; an inteftine may be
difcovered down the middle. It is to be found in river water,,
but is not commonly to be met with.
57. Vibrio. Spirillum.
Vibrio filiformis,/jambagibus in angulum acutum tomatis.
Filiform vibrio, twilled fomething like a fpiral wire, or eork-
fcrew; the bending acute.
It is an exceeding minute Angular little creature, twifted in a
fpiral form ; the fhape of thefe bendings remains the fame even
when the animal is in motion, not occafioned by any internal
force, but are it’s natural fhape. It moves generally in a ftrait
line, vibrating the hind and fore-part. It was found in 1782, in.
an infufion o f the fonchi arvenfis.
58. Vibrio Vermieulus..
Vibrio tortuofus gelatinus. This little vibrio is twifted and;
The body is white; or rather o f a milky appearance,, eylindric;
long, the apex obtufe, rather growing fmaller, and twifted,
towards the hind-part. It’s motion is languid and undulatory,.
like that o f the common worm; it fometimes moves quicker, but
with teeming labour. When it bends itfelf alternately from one
fide to the other, a black long, line may be difcovered, fometimes-
4 whole,.