iqq.OO Cercaria Crumena.
Cercaria cylindraceo-ventricofa, antice oblique truncata, caud'a
lineari bicufpidata. Cylindrical ventricofe cercaria, the fore-part
obliquely truncated, the tail linear, terminating with two diverging
The body is ventricofe and cylindrical, mufcular and thick,
the lower part fmall; the upper part terminates in a fmall, ftrait
neck, like the neck o f a pitcher; the body appears wrinkled, the
tail terminated as in the definition.
134' Cercaria Catellus.
Cercaria tripartita, cauda bifefta, Three-parted cercaria, the
tail divided into two parts.
This animalculum is more complex in it’s form than many
others; it has a moveable head, which is affixed to the body
only by a point; an abdomen, which is not fo wide, but twice
as long as the head, replete with inteftines, and a tail which is
fhorter than the head, narrower than the belly, and terminating
in two bridles; thefe it can unite and feparate at pleafure. It
moves with vivacity, though without going far from it’s, firft
135. Cercaria Catelina-
Cercaria trip artita, cauda bicufpidata. Cercaria diftinguilhed
into three parts, with a ffiort forked tail..
It differs from the preceding, in feveral refpefts, being larger,
the body thicker, more cylindrical, and the lower part truncated,
with two ffiort diverging points projecting from the middle. Was
found in a ditch where there was plenty of duck-weed.
136. Cercaria Lupus. Fig. 39, Plate XXV.
Cercaria cylindrica, elongata, torofa cauda fpinis duabus.
Cylindric cercaria, long, the tail furniffied with two fpines.
This animalculum is larger than mod of the cercarias, and has
fome particulars in which it refembles the vorticella. It is full o f
mufcles, capable o f being contracted or extended; cylindric,'
compofed of a head, a trunk, and a ta il; the head is larger than
the body, the apex turned downwards into a little hook; the
tail is like the body, but narrower, terminating in two very bright
fpines, that it extends differently. It fometimes contracts itfelf
into one half it’s fize.; then again it extends itfelf to it’s ufual
form. Was found in water among duck-weed, a the head,
b the trunk, c the tail, dd the fpine thereof.
137. Cercaria Vermicularis. Fig, 40.
Cercaria cylindrica annulata," probofcide exfertili, cauda fpina
duplici. Cylindrical, annulated, with a projecting probofcis, two
fmall fpines for the tail.
It is a long, cylindrical, flelhy, mutable animalculum, divided
into eight or nine rings, or folding plaits, the apex either obtufe
or notched into two points, the hind-part rather acute, and ter-
3 X 2 minating