fecond mufcle A is a little below the firfl fpiraculum, near which
they are fixed to the Ikin.
a, is long and (lender; it is fixed by it’s anterior extremity under
the galtric mufcles (a and b) o f the firfl ring, to the circumflex
(bale of the bafe o f the lower lip. After having pafled under
fome o f the arteries, it introduces itfelf under the. mufcle (!, and
communicates there with the mufcle c o f the fecond ring.
(i is fometimes (ingle, fometimes double, and fometimes triple;
it is hardly po(fible to open the caterpillar by the belly without
breaking i t ; the anterior fixture is to the pofterior edge o f the fide
of the parietal fcale; the lower fixture is at the middle o f the
ring, near the inferior line.
The mufcles marked { are three in number; the firfl; is fixed
at one extremity, near the lower edge o f the upper part o f the
parietal fcale; the other end divides itfelf into three or four tai]s>
which are fixed to the (kin o f the caterpillar under the mufcle
The anterior end of the fecond has it’s infertion near the for-'
mer; that o f the third a little under the two foregoing, at the (kin
o f the neck, under the mufcle A. Thefe two laft pafling over
the cavity of the firfl pair o f limbs, are fixed by feveral tails to
the edge oppofite to this cavity.
In this fubjeft there are two mufcles marked 5, fometimes there
is only one; their anterior fixture is to the lower edge o f the
parietal fcale; the other ends are inferted in the firfl fold of the
(kin of the neck, on the belly fide,
& and
(i and 3 are bed feen in Fig. 3, where they are entire, not
being injured by an unnatural extenfion.
O f the second and following R ings,, to the last.
Two large dorfal mufcles, A and B, are difcovered in the
fecond and four following rings. There are three, A , B, C, in
the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th rings; four, A, B, C, D, are to be
feen at the 11th ring; and five, A, B, C, D-, E, at the anterior
part of the 12th ring.
All thefe files, or ranges o f mufcles, A, B, C, and E, as well
as the gaftric mufcles, a, b;, c, d, appear at firfl fight only as a
(ingle mufcle, running nearly the whole length of the caterpillar;
but when this is detached from the animal, it is found to confift
o f fo many diftinft mufcles, each mufcle only the length of one
o f the rings ; their extremities are fixed to the divifions of each
ring, excepting the mufcle a, which at the 6th, 7th, 8th, and
gth rings has it’s infertions rather beyond the divifions. Each
row of mufcles appears as one, becaufe they are clofely connected
at top by fome o f the fibres, which pafs from one ring to
the other. The mufcles A, B, C, E, from their fituation may
be called the right mufcles o f the back; and for the fame reafon
the mufcles a, b, c, and d, may be called the right mufcles o f
the helly.
From the third ring the mulcles A, which are twelve in number,
gradually diminifh in breadth to the lower part o f the laft
ring; at the 8th and three following divifions they communicate
with the mufcles B, and at the 11th with D. In the lower part
o f