The body is pellucid, depreffed, the fore-part obtufely convex,
the hind-part acute, the inteflines veflcular, the fore and hind-
part on each fide dark. It refembles a grape-feed.
go. Cyclidium Hyalinum.
Cyclidium ovatum, poflice scutum. Oval cyclidium, the
hind-part acute.
This cyclidium is oval, flat, and bright,'without any vifible
inteflines, the hinder-part fomewhat fmaller than the fore-part;
it has a tremulous kind of motion.
p i . Cyclidium Pediculus,
Cyclidium ovale convexum, fubtus planun. An oval convex
cyclidium, the bottom even.
Tiembley Polyp, i. p. 282..
This is a gelatinous white an.malculum, the bottom over the
back gibbous, the extremities depreffed and truncated, fometimes
one end feems cloven into two points, perhaps this is the aperture
o f the mouth.
It runs upon the hydra pallida as if it had feet, going back
again every moment. It is fcarce ever feen but on the arms and
the body of the hydra.
92. Cycli-
M i cr os cop i c a l E s says .
92. Cyclidium Dubiumv
Cyclidium ovale, fupra. convexum, fubtus cavum. Oval cyclidium,
the upper part convex,, the under part concave.
This is one o f the larger fpecies, the body is o f an oval lhape,
one ftde is convex, the other is concave,'.the margin is pellucid,,
the inner part contains a great number of black molecules.
VII. P A R A M .-B C I U Xr. '
Vermis inconlpicuus, finrplex, pellucidus, membranaceus,
oblongus.- An invifible, Ample, pellucid, membranaceous, flat
gp. Paramaecium Aurelia.
Paramecium compreffum, verfus anticam plicatum, poflice
acutum. Paramaecium compreffed, oblong, folded towards the
fore-part, the hinder-part acute.
Volvpx Terebella. Ellis. Ill
This is rather a Targe animalculum, membranaceous, pellucid,,
four times’ longer, than it is broad, the fore-part obtufe, tranfpa-
rent, without inteflines,. the hind-part replete with molecules of
various Azes; the fold which goes from the middle to the apex is
a, ftriking charadteriftic o f the fpecies, forming a kind o f trian