262. Kerona Lyncafler.
Kerona fubquadrata. roftro obtufo, difco corniculis micanti-
bus. This fpecies o f kerona is rather fquare, the difc furnilhed
with fhining horns. See Zool. Dan. prod. add. p. 281.
263. Kerona Ililtrio. Fig. 20, Plate XXVI. .
Kerona oblonga, antice punftis mucronatis nigris, poftice pin-
nulis longitudinalibus, inftructa.
It is an oblong membrane, pellucid, with four or five black
points in the fore-part, which are continually changing their fitu-
ation, thick fet with fmall globules in the middle, among which
four larger ones are fometimes perceived, thefe are probably
eggs; in the middle fpace o f the hind-part are fome longitudinal
flrokes refembling briftles ; they do not feem to projeft beyond
the body, b the horns, c fome hairs, d a folitary horn, e a large
globule, f fome briftles.
264. Kerona Cypris. Fig. 21, Plate XXVI.
Trichoda obovata, verfus poflica fuperne finuata, antice crinita.
Egg-fhaped, towards the hind-part finuated, the fore-part hairy.,
This animalculum is comprefled, and fomething in a pear-fhape,
the fore-part broad and blunt, the front is furnilhed with fhort
hairs a, or little vibrating points inferted under the edge, fhorter
in the hind-part, partly extended ftrait, partly bent down; the
motion is retrograde. It is found in water which is covered with
265. Kerona Hauftrum.
Kerona orbiculata, corniculis mediis, antice membranacea
ciliata, poftice fetofa. Orbicular kerona, the horns in the middle,
the fore-part membranaceous and ciliated, at the hinder-part
there are feveral briftles.
266. Kerona Hauftellum.
Differs from the preceding only in having the hinder-part without
any briftles.
267. Kerona Pdtella. Fig. 22 and 23, Plate XXVI.
Kerona univalvis, antice emarginata corniculata, poftice fetis
flexilibus pendulis. With one valve, orbicular, cryftalline, the
fore-part fomewhat notched, the flefhy body lies in the middle o f
the ftiell; above and below are hairs, or horns, of different
lengths, jutting out beyond the fhell, and acting inftead o f feet
and oars, fome o f which are bent; the fuperior ones conftitute a
double tmnfverfe row. a the fore-part, b the horns, d a lunated
figure in the fhell, c a pulpous body, f briftles at the hinder-
4 D *568. Ke