108. Kolpoda Cucullus. Fig. 23, Plate XXV.
Kolpoda ovata ventricofa, infra apicem incifa. Egg-fhaped
ventricofe, with an incifion in the fore-part.
It is very pellucid, with a well-defined margin, filled with little
bright vehicles, differing in number and fize. The figure of the
molt part is oval, the top bent into a kind o f an obtufe beak,
feldom an acute one, but fometimes oblong. It’s inteftines are
formed of from eight to twenty-four bright little veficles, thefe
are not confpicuous in the young ones ; fome have fuppofed that
1 thefe were animalcula that had been fwallowed by the kolpoda,
but Mr. Muller thinks they are the offspring o f the kolpoda.
In fome only one cryflalline veficle occupies the middle o f the
body. When the water is almofl exhaled, and death nigh, it
moves more flowly than ufual, and protrudes it’s offspring with
It moves in general with great vivacity, and in all direftions.
a the cap or hood, b the incifion. It is found in infufions of
vegetables, and in foetid hay. In fome few a tranfparent membranaceous
fubffance may be perceived projeSing beyond the
beak, andrefemblingan exuvia; the fame may be obferved in
the enchelis vibrio, and it is probable that a decortation or calling
o f the {kin has place in thefe animalcula, as well as in infefts.
toe). Kol-
Kolpoda oblonga, infra apicem oblique incifa. Kolpoda oblong,
with an oblique incifion a little below the apex.
A very pellucid cryflalline animalculum ; it is furnifhed with
feveral pellucid globules; there is a bending a little beneath the
top, which in fome pofitions is very diftinQly feen, in others not.
It was obferved in an infufion o f the fonchi arvenfis.
110. Kolpoda Cucullio.
Kolpoda ovalis depreffa, infra apicem tantillum finuata. Flat
oval kolpoda, with a fmall degree o f bending beneath the apex.
This is an oval, or rather;an elliptical kolpoda, flat on the upper
fide, convex on thé under fide, membranaceous and bright,
the fore-part clear; from the middle to the hinder-part it is filled
with filver-like globules. It often ftretches out the fore-part, and
folds it in different pofitions.
111. Kolpoda Ren:
Kolpoda crafla medio finuata. This kolpoda is thick, and
curved in the middle.
The body is yellow, thick, and rather opake, even where
round, curved a little in the middle, fo as to have the appearance
of a kidney ; the whole body is filled with molecules. It’s mo