o f the front margin hairy, the apex is formed by the fore-part,
projecting like the finger on a direftion-poft. It was found in
fait water.
208. Trichoda S.
Trichoda ftriata, antice ciliata, extremitatibus in oppofitum
flexis. Striated trichoda, the fore-part ciliated, the extremities
bent in oppofite directions.
A yellow animalculum, formed o f two pellucid membranes,
|triated longitudinally; the lower end is obliquely truncated.
209. Trichoda Navicula.
Trichoda triquetra, antice truncata ciliata, poftice acuta promi-
■ nula. Three-cornered trichoda, the fore-part truncated and
ciliated, the hind-part acute, and bent a little upwards.
It is cryftallme, rather broad, the under-fide towards the
hinder-part convex, the fore-part broad, the apex nearly a ftrait
line, the bent end pointed and turned upwards; it has a kind o f
longitudinal keel running down the middle.
.210. Trichoda Succifa.
Trichoda ovalis deprefta, margine crinito, poftice in crura in-
acqualia erofa. Flattened oval trichoda, the edge hairy, the
hinder-part hollowed out fo as to form two unequal legs.
M i c r o s c o p i c a l , E s s a y s . 583
& 11. Trichoda' Sulcata.
Trichoda ovato-ventricofa, apice acuminata, fulco ventrall,
utrinque crinito. Ovated ventricofe trichoda, the apex acute,,
a furrow at the abdomen, both fides of it ciliated,
212. Trichoda Anas- Fig, 49.
Trichoda elongata, apice colli fubtus crinito. Long, the ape»
o f the neck underneath hairy.
A fmooth animalculum; five times broader than it is long, filled
with darkifh molecules ; a bright neck b c, under the top1 o f the
neck at d there fhine a few unequal hairs. It’s motions are languid.
It is found in pure water.
* 213. Trichoda Barbata,
Trichoda elongata, teres, fubtus ab apice ad medium crinita^
Trichoda long, round, the under-part, from the apex to the mid-
dle, -hairy.
This animalculum is round, fomewhat linear, both ends ob-
tufe, the fore-part narrower, forming as it were a kind of neck ;
under this is a row of fluctuating hairs. The trunk is full of grey
I S S R s