gog. Vorticella Crataegaria.
See page 437 of this work,
310, Vorticella Hamata. Fig. 40, Plate XXVI.
Vorticella burlieformis, margine aperturae aculeis rigidis.
Purfe-formed vorticella, the edge of it’s aperture or mouth fet
with rigid points.
It is not ciliated, nor have any hairs as yet been difcovered
about i t ; the body is granulated, the fore-part broad and truncated,
the hinder-part obtufe, and capable of being contracted or
extended, a the rigid points.
311. Vorticella Crateriformis. Fig. 41, Plate XXVI.
Vorticella fubquadrata, ciliorum fafciculis etiam poflice.
This vorticella is rather o f a fquare figure, and has fafcicles of
cilia even at the hinder-part.
Lively, pellucid, round, longer than it is broad,, approaching
fomewhat to a fquare, with convex fides ; the head is fituated at
the large end, the fkin is fmooth, fome traces of inteflines are
with difficulty difcovered; at the larger end there is a confider-
able opening, furrounded by hair; the filaments compofing this
are in continual motion.
Two of thefe are fometimes feen conjoined together, as at Fig.
41, and full o f final! fpherules; at this time they may without
care be taken for freffi animalcula ; they draw each other alternately
different ways; in this ftate the furface is fmooth and
the hairs invifible. e moveable cilia.
312. Vorticella Canaliculata.
Vorticella dilatata, pellucida, latere incifo. Dilated, pellucid,
with an incifion on the fide.
T o the naked eye it appears as fo many white points adhering
to the fides o f the glafs ; when magnified, the anterior part is
narrower than the. hind-one; in the fide a kind of incifion may
be perceived, and the hind-part is a little notched towards the
middle -, it is furnifhed with a rotatory organ, by which it excites
a continual whirling in the water.
313. Vorticella Verfatilis.
Vorticella elongata fpiculiformis, mox urceolaris. Long
fpear-formed vorticella, but which often changes it’s fhape into a
pitcher-like form.
A pellucid gelatinous animalculum, of a greenifh colour, furnifhed
with fmall radii, particularly about the circumference,
whence it may be confidered as a minute water hedge-hog.