gular aperture, and giving it fomewhat the appearance of a gimlet.
It’s motion is refclihnear, vacillatory, and generally vehement.
They may often be feen cohering lengthways ; the lateral edges
of both bodies appear bright. They may alfo fometimes be Teen
lying on one another by turns, and. forrietimes cohering by the
middle. They live many months in the fame water if it is not
renewed. They are to be found m June, in ditches where there
is plenty o f duck-weed.
Paramaeeium Chryfalis, ' Fig. 26, Plate XXV.
Paramaeeium cylmdraceiim, verfus anticam plicatum, poftice ob-
tufum. Cylindrical paramaeeium, folded towards the fore-part,
the hinder-part obtufe.
It differs but very little, from the preceding, only the ends (a b)
are more obtufe ; the margin is filled with black globules, and it
is an inhabitant of fait water.
95, Paramaeeium Verfutum.
Paramaeeium cylindraceum, poftice incraflatum; utraque ex-
tremitate obtufum. Cylindrical paramaeeium, the lower part
thick, and both ends very obtufe.
An oblong body, green, gelatinous, filled with, molecules, the
lower part thick, the fore-part fmaller, both ends obtufe, and
may be feen to propagate by divifion. Is found in ditches.
p6. Paramaeeium Oviferum. Fig. 25, Plate XXV.
Paramaeeium depreffum, intus bullis ovalibus. Paramaeeium
depreffed, with large oval molecules within fide.
A membranaceous, oval, oblong animalculum, grey, pellucid,
having many oval very pellucid corpufcles (a) difperfed about the
body, and many black grains towards b.
07. Paramaeeium Marginatum. Fig. 24, Plate XXV.
Paramaeeium depreffum, grifeum, margine duplici. Paramae-
cium depreffed, grey, with a double margin.
This is one o f the large!! of this clafs, flat, elliptical, every
part filled with molecules, except the lower end (b), where there
is a pellucid veficle; this animalculum is furrounded by a broad
double margin; when expiring, a bright fpiral inteftine maybe
feen. (a), Fig. 24, the apex, (b) the veficle, (e) the fpiral intefline.
VIII. K o l p o d a .
Vermis inconfpicuus, fimpliciffimus, pellucidus, complanatus,
finuatus.' An invifible, very fimple, pellucid, flat, crooked