291. Vorticella Multiformis.
, Vorticella viridis, opaca, varia, veliculis fparlis. Green, opake,
variable vorticella, with veficles fcattered about the body.
This is fo like the preceding one, that 'it needs no further
defcription. Is found in fait water, and the veficles are larger.
292. Vorticella Nigra. Fig. 36 and 37, Plate XXVI.
Vorticella troehiformis nigra. Top-lhaped black vorticella.
T o the naked eye they prefent themfelves as final! black points
fwimming on the water; through the microfcope it appears as a
little conical corpufcle, opake, obtufe, and ventrieefe at one extremity,
the other acute; when it extends the extremities., two
little white hooks come into fight, by their alfiftanee it moves in
the water, and it is probable, from fome cireumftances, that they
inclofe a rotatory organ. It is in continual motion, vacillating on
the top o f the water. Is found in Auguft, in meadows that are
covered with water., a the rotatory organ, b the two fmall hooks,,
c the acute end.
293. Vorticella Cucullus.
Vorticella elongata, teres, apertura oblique truneata.. This
vorticella is long, round, the aperture or mouth obliquely truncated.
5 This
■ This vorticella may be ranked among the larger ones, as it is
vifible to the naked eye. The body is fomewhat conical, of a
dirty red colour; it’s lhape has been compared to that o f a
grenadier’s cap.
294. Vorticella Utriculata.
| Vorticella viridis, ventricofa, produdiilis, antice truneata.
Green Vorticella, ventricofe, the belly capable of being lengthened
or (hortened, the fore-part truncated, much in the lhape o f
a common water-bottle,. the neck fometimes1 very long, at
others with fcarce any at all, and is filled with green molecules. .
295.. Vorticella Ocreata. .
Vorticella fubcubica, infra in angulum obtufum produfta,
This vorticella is fomewhat o f a cubical figure, the under part
bent in an obtufe angle. .
It is a very lingular animalculum, being in lhape like the lower
part of a boot; the apex of the upper part, or leg, is truncated
and ciliated,, the heel pointed, the foot round. It is an inhabitant
of rivers,. though very rarely to be met with...
296. . Vorticella Valga.:
Vorticella cubica, infra divaricata... Cubical vorticella, the
lower part divaricated..