x v î L i s t o f A u t h o r s , & c.
Ellis, g Eflay towards a Natural Hiftcry of Corallines. 4to. 1755.
Zoophytes, by Dr. Solander. 4to. - London, 1786.
Encyclopaedia Britannica. 4to. - 10 vols. - - Edinburgh, 1778.
Fabricius. Philofophia Entomologica. 8vo. - - 177^‘
Geoffroy. Hiftoire Abrégée des InfeCtes. 4t0* - Paris, 1764.
Gleichen. Les plus Nouvelles découverts dans le Régné Végétal, &c. &c.
Folio; - ' - “ | I7?°-
Goldfmith. Hiftory of the Earth and Animated Nature. 8vo. London, 1774.
Grew. Anatomy of Plants. Folio. - - London, 1682.
Hedwig. Theoria Generationis et Fruaificationis dePlantarum Cryptogami-
carum. - - - . PeteHb‘ 1784*
Hill. Hiftory of Animais. ' . Folio, - London, 1752,
Review of the Royal Society. ^ 4to. - London, 1751
The Conftruaion of Timber, ‘explained by the Microfcope. 8vo.
London, 177°*
Eflays in Naturel Hiftory. 8vo. - Lôndoij, 1752.
Hooke. Micrographia. Folio. - - London, 1665.
Lectures and Colleâions. 4to. - London, 1678.
Joblot. Obfcrvations d’Hiftoire Naturelle, Faites avec le Microfcope. 4to.
3 tom, - - ■ : Paris-
Journal de Phyfique, par Rozier, See.
Jones. A Courfe of Ledums on the Figurative Language of the Holy
Scriptures, 8vo. ' - - “ *7^7'
Ledermuller. Amufemens Microfcopiques. '4 vols. 4to.
L i s t o f A u t h o r s , & c. x v ii
Leeuwenhoek. Arcana Naturæ. 4to. — -
Opera Omnia. 4to.
Lugd. Bat. 1722°
Ibid. 1722,
Linnæus. Syftema Naturæ. 8vo.
Lyonet. Théologie des Infe&es de Lelfer. 2 tom. 8vo. La Haye, 1742.
Traité Anatomique de la Chenille qui ronge le bois de faule. 4to.
Macqjuer. Dictionary of Cliemiftry. London, 1777.
Malphigi Opera. 4t0* ” * Lugduni Bat. 1687»
Martin. Micrographia Nova. 4to.
Optical Eflays. 8vo.
Reading, 1742*
- London.
Muller. Animalcula Infuforia Fluviatilia et Marina. 4to. Hauniæ, 1786.
Needham. New Microfcopical Difcoveries. 8vo. London, 1745*
Pallas. Elenchus Zoophytorum. 8vo. HagæComit. 1766.
Philofophical TranfaCtions.
Power. Microfcopical Obfervations. 4t0* - 1664.
Prieftley on Light, Vifion, and Colours. , 4to. London, 1772.
Reaumur. Memoires pour fervir à 1’Hiftoire des InfeCtes. 8vo.
Amfterdam, 1737.
Redi. • De InfeCtis. -* . 1671.
Roefel. InfeCten Beluftigung* .
Rutherforth. Natural Philofophy. 2 vols» 4t0‘ Cambridge, 1748.
c Schirach.