lo g. Kolpoda Triquetra.
Kolpoda obdVata deprefla, altero margine retufo. Kolpoda
nearly of an egg-fhape, one edge turned back.
This animaleulum feems to confift o f two membranes, the upper
fide flattened, the lower convex ; the apex is bent fo as to=
form a kind o f fhoulder. It was found in fait water.
104. Kolpoda Striata,
Kolpoda oblonga, fubarcuata deprefla, Candida antiee acuminata,
poftiee rotundata. Oblong, fomewhat o f a pear-fhape,
white, the fore-part pointed, the hind-part round.
It is very pellucid and white, the upper part rather bent, and
terminating in a point, the lower part obtufely round; at the
apex, or mouth, there is a little black pellucid veficle ; when a
very great power is ufed, the body appears covered with long
ftreaks ; the lower extremity is furnilhed, like many other ani-
malcula, with very finall globules. Is to be found in fait water,
105. Kolpoda Nucleus,
Kolpoda ovata, vertiee acuto. Egg-fhaped kolpoda^ with am
acute vertex.
It is o f an oval lhape, the vertex pointed, of a brilliant tranf-
parency, which renders the vifcera vifible; they confift of a heap
of round diaphanous veficules.
iqS. Kol-
106. Kolpoda Meleagris.
Kolpoda mutabilis antiee uneinata, poftiee complicata.
Changeable, with the fore-part like a hook, the hind-part folded
up. Fig. ,22, Plate XX V .
A moft lingular animaleulum, o f the larger fpecies; it has a
dilated membrane, with the fineft folds, which it varies and bends
in a moment; the fore-part o f the body to the middle is clear and
bright, the hind-part varioufly folded in tranfverfe elevated plaits,
and full of molecules ; the apex turned into a hook, the margin
finuous, and beneath the apex denticulated with three or four
teeth; or in fome which are more beautifully wrought, the edge
is obtufely notched, and fet with ftill fmaller notches; in the
hind-part there are twelve or more equal pellucid globules. It
moves fometimes in a ftrait, fometimes in a crooked line. Fig.
22, Plate XXV. a the hooked apex, b the denticulated margin,
® the feries. o f globules, d the folded part at bottom..
107. Kolpoda Aflimilis.
Kolpoda deprefla, non plicatilis apice uncinato, margine an,
tico ad medium, ufque crenulato poftiee, dilatato acutiufculo.
Kolpoda deprefled, the apex turned in the form o f a finall hook,
the margin of the fore-part notched from the top to the middle,
the lower part fwells out, then diminifhes again into a fhort point.
It is never folded like the foregoing ; it has an elliptic rnafs in the
middle. It was found on the fea-coaft.