fide of the head hang three moveable and flexible curls a, difiant
from each other. When the animalculum is in motion, the tail
is drawn tight, and extended upwards, and often appears as if it
was cleft. It is curled up when the little creature is at reft.
277. Himantopus Sannio.
Himantopus incurvata, fupra ciliata, infra crinita. Crooked
himantopus, the upper part ciliated, the under part hairy.
It is very much like the himantopus ludio, the cilia are longer
than the hairs, and are continually vibrating; it has alfo two
moveable curls hanging on both fides the head. Is found but
feldom, and then generally in water where the lemna vegetates.
279. Himantopus Volutator.
Himantopus lunatus, antice cirratus. Lunated himantopus,
the fore-part hairy.
A very lively animalculum, of the fhape of a crefcent, with
fome vifible cryftalline points, the convex part furnifhed with
a row o f hairs, which are longed towards the tail; underneath
are four feet. It often turns round fwiftly in a circular direction.
280. Himantopus Larva.
Himantopus elongatus, medio cirratus. Long himantopus,
cirrated in the middle.
By it’s motion it refembles the himantopus ludio, but differs
from it in figure and fituation o f the parts. The body is rather
deprefled and long, the hinder parts acute, and generally curved,
pellucid, filled with granular molecules.
281. Himantopus Charon.
Himantopus cymbaeformis fulcata, in fovea ventrali cirrata.
Boat-fhaped furrowed himantopus, the hollow part o f the belly
An oval pellucid membrane, the fore-part hairy, furrowed
longitudinally, each fide bent up fo as to. form an intermediate
hollow place, or belly, crammed with grey molecules; beneath
the middle it has feveral bent diverging rows o f hairs ; no hairs on
the hinder-part. Rarely to be found, and then in fea-water.
282. Himantopus Corona.
Himantopus femiorbiculata, deprefla, in utraque pagina cirrata.
Semiorbicular himantopus, flattened, both fides cirrated.
A membranaceous lamina, very thin, very pellucid, cryflalline,
femilunar; the edge o f the bafe- thick fet with molecular in-
teftines, the other angle, or fore-part, furnifhed with fhort hairs,
or a kind of mane; towards the hind-part three equal curved
hairs, or fpines.