o f the lad ring, A is much broader than it was' in the preceding
ring ; one extremity of it is contrafted, and communicates with
B ; the lower infertion is at the membrane I, which is the exterior
fldii of the foecal bag.
It may be proper to obferve, that the mufcles, A and B, of the
lower part of the laft ring, cannot be feen until a large mufele is
removed; which on one fide is fixed to the fubdivifion o f this
ring, on the other to die fcecal bag.
The right mufcles B are alfo twelve in number ; they begin at
the fécond ring, and grow larger from thence to the 7th : from
the 7th to the fubdivifion o f the 12 th they are one-half narrower;
the deficiéncy in width is fupplied by the fix mufcles C, which
go with it from the 7th to the fubdivifions o f the 12th ring. The
mufcles B and C have a lateral communication at the 8th, 11th,
and 12th divifionS; C is wanting at the fubdivifion o f the 12th
ring ; it’s place is filled up by B, which beconies broader in that
We have now only to fpeak of the three floating mufcles V .
T h e firft o f thefe originates at the firlt ring, from whence it introduces
itfelf under N, where it is fixed, and then fubdivides, and
pafles under parts which render it invifible in this figure.
The fécond floating mufele begins at the fécond divifion, being
fixed to the anterior extremity B o f the fécond ring ; from thence '
it directs itfelf towards the fiomach, and after communicating
with the cafe o f the corpus craffum, it divides and fpreads itfelf
into eight mufcles, which run along the belly.
The third, V, begins at the third divifion, originating partly
at the Ikin, partly at the junction o f the mufcles B o f the fecond
and third ring. It directs itfelf obliquely towards the belly,
meeting it near the third fpiraculutn; branching from thence, it
forms the oblique mufcles of this vifeera.
The thin long mufele 0, which is at the fubdivifion o f the laft
ring, and covers the anterior infertion o f the large mufele (a),
where the ring terminates, (il eft fans paire) it is fingle; it begins
at one extremity o f ,the mufele c, at the fore part o f the ring,
runs along the fubdivifion, round the belly o f the caterpillar,
and finifhes on the other fide, at the extremity o f a fimilar mufele
E xplanation of Fig. 2, Plate XII.
P r e p a r a t i o n .
All the dorfal mufcles, thirty-five in number, were taken out,
as well as the feven lateral ones which have been deferibed in the
preceding figure.
All the ftrait mufcles o f the belly were alfo taken away, as well
as the mufcular roots 9, and the ends of the gaftrie mufcles c,
which are at the third and fourth divifion.
At the fecond divifion the middle of the mufele S was removed,
the extremities only being left to point out where it was inferted.