and blood ihirfly difpolidon of the flea, o f the caution with which
it comes to the attack, and the readinefs with which it avoids
purfuit. It belongs to the clafs aptera, has two eyes, fix feet,
particularly conftrufted for leaping, the feelers are filiform, the
roft-rum is infle&ed, fetaceous, and armed with a fling; the belly
is comprefled. This creature is produced from eggs, which they
depofit on the animals that afford them food, or affix them to the
wool o f blankets, rugs, &c. o f thefe eggs are hatched white
worms, which adhere clofely to the body o f the animal, or other
iubflance on which they are produced ; in a fortnight they come
to a tolerable Gze, and are very lively and attive; but if they
are touched at this time, they roll themfelves up in a ball. After
about eleven days from the time o f their being hatched, they feek
a place to hide in, and if viewed by a microfcope, will be found
weaving a covering or bag, in which they affume the pupa flate,
where they continue from nine days to a fortnight, when having
acquired fufficient flrength, they burfl from their confinement,
perfe&ly formed, and armed with powers to diflurb the peace o f
an emperor.
The flea when examined by the microfcope is not an unplea-
ling o b je fl: it is difficult, however, to obtain fuch a view of it as
will difplay the mechanifin and apparatus belonging to the head.
Thefe parts are but imperfeffly reprefented in the celebrated
drawing of Dr. Hooke. The neck is long, finely arched, and
much refembles the tail o f a lobfler; the body is covered all over
with a fuit of fable armour, formed o f a hard fhelly fubflance,
curioufly jointed and folded over one another, and yet yielding
to all the nimble motion o f the little animal: the edges o f the
fcales are curioufly fet with fhort fpikes or hairs: it has two
fharp eyes to look before it leaps, for which purpofe it’s legs are
excellehtly adapted, for the joints are fo conftru&ed that it can
fold them up as it were, and when it leaps, fpring them out all
at once, whereby it’s whole flrength is exerted, and the body
often raifed two hundred times it’s own diameter; there are fe-
veral joints in the legs ; they are alfo very hairy, and terminated
by two long hookad {harp claws; the two forelegs are placed
very near the neck, and often conceal the probofcis from our
view, the other four join all at the bread: the flexure of the
two fore ones is contrary to that of the hinder ones ; the probofcis,
or fucker, with which it penetrates the fkin, is placed at
the end of the fnout, and is not eafily feen, except the two fore
legs are firfl removed; in it are included a couple o f darts or
lancets, which, after the probofcis has made an entrance, are
thrufl farther into the flefh, and make the blood flow from the
adjacent parts, and occafion that round red fpot, with a hole in
the center of it, called a flea bite.
The bed bug is anodier naufeous infefl, “ that intrudes upon
the peace of mankind, and often banilhes that fleep which even
anxiety and forrow permitted to approach : the night is the fea-
fon when the bed bug fifties from it’s retreat to make it’s depredations
: by day it lurks in the moll fecret parts of the bed, takes
the advantage of every chink and cranny to make a fecure lodgement,
and contrives it’s habitation with fo much art, that fcarce
any indultry can difcover it’s retreat: but when darknefs promifes
fecurity, it then iflues from every corner of the bed, drops from
the teller, and crawls from behind the arras, and travels to die
unhappy patient, who vainly wilhes for reft and refrethment.
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