C H A P , V III.
Or t h e A n im a l c u l a In f u s o r i a . "
Q U R knowledge o f the microfcopic world is at prefent very
contrafted, but we know enough to give us high conceptions
o f it’s concealed wonders, and to fill us with profound
aftomfhment at the infinite variety o f forms that are made recipient
o f life. A few o f the inhabitants o f this world have been
difcovered. The figure and apparent habits o f life o f thefe,
referable fo little thofe with which we are more acquainted, that
rt is often difficult to find terms to exprefs what is prefented to
the eye. It is highly probable that there: are many gradations o f
exiftenee far below the minuteft o f thofe which we obferve with
the microfcope; and though by this we are enabled to difeover
myriads o f different creatures roving in the leaft drop o f water, as
if it were a fea', yet it is not unreafonable to fuppofe that HE who
has filled the immenfity o f extent with funs and worlds, has peopled
every particle of fluids with more minute beings than any
apparatus o f ours can perceive, agreeable to the fublime ideas o f
the poet :
Gradual from thefe what num’rous kinds defcend,
Evading even the microfcopic eye !
Full nature fwarms with life ; one wondrous mafs
O f animals, or atoms organized,
Waiting the vital breath, when parent heaven
Shall bid his fpirit blow. The hoary fen,
In putrid fleams, emits the living cloud
O f peftilence; thro’ fubterranean cells,
Where fearching fun-beams fcarce can find a way,
Earth animated heaves. The flowery leaf
Wants not it’s foft inhabitants. Secure,
Within it’s winding citadel, the ftone
Holds multitudes. But chief the foreft boughs.
That dance unnumber’d to the playful breeze,
The downy orchard, and the melting pulp
O f mellow fruit, the namelels nations feed
O f evanefcent infetts. Where the pool
Stands mantled o’er with green, invifible,
Amid the floating verdure, millions ftray.
Each liquid too, whether it pierces, foothes,
Inflames, refrefhes, or exalts the tafte, .
With various forms abounds. Nor is the firearm
O f pureft cryftal, nor the lucid air,
Tho’ one tranfparent vacancy it feems,
Void of their unfeen people. Thefe, conceal’d:
By the kind art o f forming heaven, efcape
The groffer eye o f man :
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