14. Volvox Granulum.
Volvox fphaericus, viridis, peripheria hyalina. Sphaerical and
green, the circumference o f a bright colour.
There feems to be a kind of green opake nucleus in this ani-
malculum; the circumference is tranfparent. It is to be found
generally in the month of June, in marlhy places; it moves but
15. Volvox Globulus.
Volvox globofus, poftice fubobfcurus. Globular volvox, the
hinder part fomewhat obfcure.
This globular animalculum is ten times larger than the mona
lens; it verges fometimes a little towards the oval in it s form.
The inteftines are juft vifible, and make the hinder part of the
body appear opake ; it has commonly a flow fluttering kind of
motion, but if it .is difturbed the motion is more rapid.
It is found in moft infufions^of vegetables.
16. Volvox Pilula.
Volvox fphaericus, interaneis immobilibus virefcentibus. Small
round volvox, .with immoveable green inteftines;
This is a fmall tranfparent animalculum ; it’s inteftines are immoveable,
of a green colour, and are placed near the middle of
the body, the edges often yellow ; a fmall obtufe incifion may be
difcovered on the edge, which is, perhaps, the mouth of the
animalculum. This little creature appears to be encompafled
with a kind of halo, or circle. I f this is occafioned by the vibratory
motion of any fringe o f hairs, they are invifible to the eye,
even when aflifted by the microfcope.
It feems to have a kind o f rotatory motion, at one time flow,
at another quick, and is to be found in water where the lemna
minor grows, fometimes as late as the month of December.
17. Volvox Grandinella.
Volvox fphaericus, opacus, interaneis immobilibus. Spherical
and opake, with immoveable inteftines.
This is much fmaller than the preceding, and is marked with
feveral circular lines; no motion is to be perceived among the interior
molecules. It fometimes moves about in a ftrait line, fometimes
it’s courfe is irregular, at others it keeps in the fame fpot,
with a tremulous motion.
18. Volvox Socialis.
Volvox fphaericus, moleculis cryftallinis, aequalibus diflantibus.
Spherical volvox, with cryftalline molecules, placed at equal
diftances from one another.