301. Vorticella Stellina.
Vorticella orbicularis, difco moleculari, peripheria ciliata.
Orbicular vorticella, with a molecular difc, and ciliated periphery.
302. Vorticella Difcina. Fig. 8, 9, 10, Plate XXVI. A.
Vorticella orbicularis, margine ciliato, fubtus convexo-anfata.
Orbicular vorticella, the edge ciliated, with a kind o f convex
handle on the under fide.
303. Vorticella Scyphina.
Vorticella craterformis, cryflallina, medio fphacrula opaca.
Bowl-lhaped vorticella, cryflalline, an opake fpherule in the
304. 'Vorticella Albina.
Vorticella oylindrica, poflice acuminata. Cylindrical vorticella,
the hinder-part tapering, and almofl brought to a point.
305. Vorticella Fritillina.
Vorticella cylindrica vacua, apice truncata, ciliis praslongis.
•Empty cylindrical .vorticella, the apex truncated.
306. Vor-
306. Vorticella Truncatella.
Vorticella cylindrica, differta, apice truncata, ciliis breviufcu-
lis. Cylindrical vorticella, fluffed or filled, the apex truncated,
with very fhort cilia.
It is o f the number o f the larger animalcula, the body is cryftalline,
and replete with black molecules, it’s fkin is perfectly
fmooth and colourlefs, it’s hinder extremity is rounded, the anterior
is truncated; there is a large opening vifible at this extremity,
which ferves as a mouth ; this is thickly ciliated.
307. Vorticella Limacina. Fig. 60, Plate XXVI.
Vorticella cylindrica, truncata, ciliis bigeminis. Cylindrical
truncated vorticella, with two pair of cilia.
308. Vorticella Fraxinina.
Vorticella- gregaria, cylindracea, oblique truncata, ciliis
bigeminis, apice margine fiffa. Gregarious cylindrical vorticella,
obliquely truncated, with two pair o f cilia, and a fiffure or notch
at the upper edge.
The greater part of the body is cylindrica], the hinder-part is
rather tapering, and filled with opake molecules; towards the
upper end it is tranfparent; within the edge, at top, are two
fmall tubercles, from each fide o f which a pair o f fmall hairs
4 F 309. Vor