268. Kerona Vannus.
Kerona ovalis, fubdeprefla, margine altero flexo, oppofito cili-
ato, corniculis anticis, fetifque pofticis. Oval and rather flat
■ kerona, one edge bent, the oppofite edge ciliated, the front fur-
nifhed with horns, the hinder-part with briftles.
269. Kerona Pnllafter. Fig. 24 and 25, Plate XXVI.
Kerona ovata, antice fmuata, fronte creflata, bafi crinita.
Oval, the fore-part {innated, a creft on the front, the bafe hairy.
It agrees with the trichoda pulex in many particulars, but the
upper part is pellucid, without any black molecules, tfie front
truncated, the whole fuperficies o f the head covered with hair,
and the fore-part fmuous. a the horns, b the hairs at the hinder-
part, c the cilia o f the front.
270. Kerona Mytillus. Fig. 29, Plate XXVI.
Kerona lubclavata, utraque extremitate latiori, hyalina ciliata.
Rather clubbed, broad at both extremities, clear and ciliated.
A large animalculum, the fore and hind-part rounded, very
pellucid and white, dark in the middle, with black inteftines, intermixed
with a few pellucid velicles. Both extremities feem as
it were compofed o f two thin plates. The fore-part is ciliated,
’ the hairs lhort, lying within the margin; it is alfo ornamented
with two little horns, erefted from an obfcure mafs; with thefe it
agitates the water, forming a little whirlpool. The hind-part is
ciliated, and furnilhed with two briftles, that ftretch out beyond
the margin, a the horns, b the fore-part ciliated, c the hind-
part, d projecting briftles.
271. Kerona Lepus.
Kerona ovata, apice crinito, baft fetofa. Egg-lhaped, the
fore-part hairy, the bafe furnilhed with briftles.
The body is egg-lhaped, comprefled, pellucid, crowned with
lhort waving hairs, the bafe terminating with briftles.
272. Kerona Silurus.
Kerona oblonga, antice & poftice crinita, dorfo ciliato. Oblong,
the fore and hind-part hairy, the back ciliated.
An oval fmooth animalculum, fomething crooked and opake,
a fafcicle of vibrating hair on the fore-part; the hind-parf, or
lharp tail, furnilhed with unequal moveable rows o f hairs, the
back is alfo ciliated; thefe hairs produce a rotatory motion, in
the infide are fome unequal, lucid, opake points. The figure
varies from oval to oblong, the filaments o f the conferva are
often-entangled in the tail.
4 D 2 273. Ke