This animalculum feems to be a kind o f medium between the
volvox pillula and the gonium peclorale,. being like the one com-
pofed ol green fpherules, and in form refembling the other.
It confifts o f a congeries o f equal globules of a greenifh colour,
with a bright fpot in the middle; the whole mafs is fometimes of
a fpherical form, fometimes oval, without any common membrane
; a kind of halo may be perceived round it, but whether
this is occafioned by the motion of any invifible hairs has not
been difcovered. The mafs generally moves from right to left,
and from left to right; fcarce any motion can be difcovered in
the globules themfelves. It was found in the month o f Auguft,
in water where the lemna polyrrhiza was growing. Two mafles
■ of thefe globules have been feen joined together. They contain
from four to fifty o f the globules, o f which a folitary one may
now and then he found.
24. Volvox Vegetans.
Volvox ramulis fimplicibus & dichitomis, rofula globulari ter-
mmatis. A volvox with fimple dichitomous branches, terminating
in a little bunch o f globules.
It confifts-of a number o f floccofe opake-branches, which are
invifible to the naked e ye; at the apex- of thefe there is a little
congeries o f very minute-oval pellucid- corpufcles. Muller at firft
thought it to ;be a fpecies o f microfeopic and river fertularia; but
-afterwards he found the bunches quitting the branches, and
fwimming about in the-water with a proper fpontaneous motion.
-Many old branches, were found deferted o f their globules, while
the younger branches were furnilhed with them. It was found in
river water in November 1779 and 1780.
IV. E n c H e l 1 s.
Vermis inconfpicuus, fimpliciflimus, cylindraceus. An invifible,
fimple, cylindric worm.
•25. Enchelis Viridis.
Enchelis fubcylindrica, antice oblique truncata. Green enchelis,
o f a fubcylindric figure, the fore-part truncated.
This is an opake, green, fubcylindric animalculum, with an
obtufe tail, the fore-part terminating in an acute truncated angle;
the mteftines obfcure and indiftinft.
It is continually varying in it’s motion, turning from right
to left.
26. Enchelis Pun&ifera.
Enchelis viridis, fubcylindracea, antice obtufa, poftice acuminata,
Fig. 8, Plate XXV. Green enchelis, fubcylindric, the
fore-part obtufe, the hinder-part pointed.
It is an opake animalculum, o f a green colour ; there is a fmall
pellucid fpot in the fore-part a, in which two black points may
be feeri; a kind o f double band, c c, croffes the middle o f the
body. The hinder part is pellucid and pointed; an incifion
a ill