The animalculum is pellucid, cryftalline, and mufcular, often
of a yellow colour ; from the apex it now and then puts forth
three little bundles of playing hairs, the two lateral ones Ihorter
than the middle one; a forked deglutatory mufcle (e) may be
perceived, and on the under fide, when the apex is drawn in, we
difcover two rigid points. It is an inhabitant of the lea.
35g. Brachionus Squamula.
Brachionus univalvis, tefta orbicularis, apice truncata quadri-
dentata, bali integra, cauda nulla. Univalved brachionus, with
an orbicular {hell, the apex truncated, and having four teeth,
the bafe fmooth, no tail.
360. Brachionus Pala.
Brachionus univalvis, tefta oblonga excavata, apice quadri-
dendata, baft integra, cauda nulla. Univalved brachionus, with
an oblong excavated {hell, four long teeth at the apex, the bafe
fmooth, no tail. It is of a yellow colour.
361. Brachionus Bipalium.
Brachionus univalvis, tefta oblonga inflexa, apice decemden-
tata, baft integra, cauda fpuria. Univalved brachionus, the {hell
oblong and inflected, ten teeth at the apex, the bafe fmooth, a
fpurious tail.
362. Brachionus Patina.
Brachionus univalvis, tefta orbiculari integra, cauda mutica.
Univalved brachionus, with an orbicular {hell, the edges regular,
and having a long beardlefs tail.
This animalculum is large, the {hell cryftalline, nearly circular,
without any teeth or incifion, though towards the apex it rather
falls in, fo as to form a fmooth notch. This little creature is remarkably
bright or fplendid ; it is affixed to the middle of the
{hell ; it projects from the apex a double glittering organ, the
edges of which are ciliated; both thefe organs are of a conical
figure, and ftand as it were upon a pellucid fubllance, which is
divided into two lobes ; between thefe lobes and the rotatory in-
ftrument there is a filver-coloured crenulated membrane; two
fin all claws may be difcovered near the mouth and other organized
363. Brachionus Clypeatus.
Brachionus univalvis, tefta oblonga, apice emargmata, baft
integra, cauda mutica. Univalved brachionus, the {hell oblong,
the apex notched, the bafe fmooth, the tail naked.
364. Brachionus Lamellaris.
Brachionus univalvis, tefta producia, apice integra, bafi tri
corni, cauda bipili. Univalved brachionus, the {hell extending
\ confider