cules. The neck (d) is three or four times longer than the body,,
o f an equal fize throughout, except a fmall degree of thicknefs at
the apex (f) very pellucid. The neck is very lively in it’s motions,
the body flow.
Is found in water that is kept for a long time, and which is fill!
o f a vegetable greennefs. O. G
81. Vibrio Falx.
Vibrio gibbofus, pollice obtufus, collo falcato. A gibbous;
vibrio, the hind-part obtufe, the neck crooked.
The body is pellucid, elliptical, the fore-part leffening into a
little round bright neck, nearly of the fame length as the trunk,
the hind-part obtufe. The trunk itfelf is rather rounding co-
tending to the gibbous, and filled with very fmall molecules
there are alfo two bright globules, one within the hind extremity,,
the other in the middle o f the body. The immobility o f the neck
gives it motions much the refemblanee of a fcythe.,
82. Vibrio Intermedius..
Vibrio membranaceus, antice attenuatus, poftice -fubacutusi.
Membranaceous vibrio, the fore-part fmall, the hinder-part;
fomewhat acute.
It feems to be an intermediate fpecies between the vibrio falx
and the fafciola; it is a thin membrane, conftantly folded. The
whole of it is of a cryftalline talcy appearance, the middle replete
with grey particles, o f different fizes ; it has all round a diftinft
bright margin, the apex of the neck is truncated, the tail obtufe,
VI. C y c l id iu m . 01
Vermis inconfpicuus, fimpliciflimus, pellacidus, complanatus,
orbicularis vel ovatus. A Ample, invifible, pellucid, flat, orbicular,
or oval worm.
83. Cyclidium Bulla.
Cyclidium orbiculare hyalinum. Orbicular bright cyclidium.
A very pellucid white animalculum, or orbicular fkirt, the
edges.a little darker than the reft. By the afliftance o f the compound
microfcope, fome globular cryftalline-like inteftines are
juft perceptible. It moves flowly and femicircularly. Js found
occafionally in an infufion of hay,
84. Cyclidium Millium.
Cyclidium ellipticum cryftallinum. Elliptic and cryftalline
It is very pellucid, and more fplendid than chryftal, membranaceous,
elliptical; a line is perceived through the whole length
o f it, a point in the fore-part, the hinder-part getting darker. It’s
motion fwift, fluttering, and interrupted; it is probable that both
extremities are ciliated.