98, Kolpoda Lamella.
Kolpoda elongata membranacea, antice curvata.
This animalculum is a pellucid membrane, long and narrow,
the hind-part obtufe, narrower, and curved towards the top ; no
inteftines difcoverable, only a ridge, or fold, going through the
middle. It’s motion is Vacillatory and lingular, moving to and
fro on it’s edge, not on the flat fide, as is ufual with moll micro-
fcopic animals. It is found in water, but is very feldom to be
met with.
99. Kolpoda Gallinula.'
Kolpoda oblonga, dorfo antico membranaceo hyalino. Oblong
kolpoda, the back towards the fore-part bright and membranaceous.
The apex rather bent, the belly oval, convex and ftriated. It
is found in foetid fait water.
too. Kolpoda Roftrum.
Kolpoda oblonga, antice uncinata. Oblong, the fore-part
The fore-part is bent into a kind o f hook, the hind-part is obtufe,
and every-where filled with black molecules. One of the
edges, from the fore-part to the middle, is often fo blunted and
dilated that the reft o f the body appears quite fmooth, and that
part thick and triangular. It’s motion is flow and horizontal. It
is to be found in water where there is lemna, but not often.
101. Kolpoda Ochrea.
Kolpoda elongata, membranacea, apice attenuato, bafi in an-
gulum retlum produöa. Kolpoda long, membranaceous, the
apex attenuated, the bafe bent in a right angle to the bódy.
A large animalculum, long, and of a lingular figure, dcprefled,
membranaceous,; flexible ; one edge nearly ftrait, the other fome-
what bent, filled with obfcure molecules, and a few little bladders
difperfed here and there; the apex bright and final], the bafe
projecting like the human foot from the leg.
102. Kolpoda. Mucronata.
Kolpoda membranacea dilatata, antice anguftata, altero mar-
gine incifa. Membranaceous dilated kolpoda, the fore-part
fmaller than the hind-part, with a fmall incifion at one fide.
This animalculum is a :dilated bright membrane, the apex an
obtufe point, a broad marked border running entirely round it ;
within the margin it is filled with grey molecules, a fidhy dife on
one fide, which terminates in a fplendid little point on the, othei;
fide the dife. It has a truncated appearance.