Moft authors fpeak of finding eight leffer globules within the
larger; but Muller fays, that he has counted thirty or forty of
different fizes. This wonderful incapfulation of it’s progeny is
well known: indeed it often exhibits itfelf big with children and
Leeuwenhoeck was the firfl: who noticed this curious animalcu-
lum, anddepiftedit; acircumftance which has not .been mentioned
by Baker and other microfcopic writers who have defcribed it.
It may be found in great plenty in {tagnant waters in fpring and
fummer, and in infufions of hemp-feed and tremella.
It is thus defcribed by Mr. Baker. This Angular minute water
animal, feen before the microfcope, appears to be exaftly globular,
without either head, tail, or fins. It moves in all directions,
forwards or backwards, up or down, rolling over and over like a
bowl, fpinning horizontally like a top, or gliding along fmoothly
without turning itfelf at all. Sometimes it’s motions are very
flow, at other times very fwift; and when jt pleafes it can turn
round as upon an axis very nimble, without moving out of it’s
place. The body is tranfparent, except where the circular fpots
are placed, which are probably it’s young. The furface of the
body in fome is as it were dotted all over with little points, and
in others as if granulated like fhagreen. Mr. Baker thought alfo
that in general it appeared as if it was fet round with fhort moveable
By another writer they are thus defcribed. Thefe animalcula
are at firfl very final], but grow fo large as to be difcerned with
the naked e y e ; they are of a yellowifh green colour, globular
5 figure,
figure, and in fubllance membranaceous and tranfparent; in the
midft o f this fubftance feveral fmall globes may be perceived ;
each o f thefe are fmaller animalcula,, which have alfo their
diaphanous membrane, and contain within themfelves ftill fmaller
generations, which may be diftinguifhed by the afliftance o f very
powerful glaffes. The larger globules may be feen to efcape
from the parent, and then increafe in fize, as we have already
22. Volvox Morum.
Volvox membranaceus orbicularis, centro moleculis fphtericis
viridibus. Membranaceous orbicular, with fpherical green molecules
in the center.
This animalculum has fome relemblance to the volvox uva,
but is fufficiently diftinguifhed by the furrounding bright orbicular
membrane. The middle part is full of. clear green globules.
The globules feldom move, though a quivering motion may
fometimes be perceived at the center. It has a flow rotatory motion,
and is found amongft the lemna, in the months of Oftober
and December.
23. Volvox Uva.
' Volvox globofus, moleculis fphaericis virefceniibus nudis.
Globular volvox, compofed of green fpherical globules, which
are not inclofed in a common membrane.