This ammalculuny has the -power o f retraCling thefe projections,
and making, both ends appear obtufe. It moves about but
.flowly, and was found in water with the lemna.minor.
■ 47. Enchelis Tfuncus.
Enchelis cylindrica, fubcapitata. Fig. 10. Plate XXV. Cylindrical
enchelis with a kind ©fhead.
This is the largeft o f this kind o f animalcula; the body is
cylindrical, mucole, grey, long and rather opake, the fore-part
globular, the hind-part obtufe. Something like three teeth (c)
may be fometimes feen to proceed from orteof the Tides-; it can
alter it’s fliapc confiderablv. Globules of different fizes mav be
feen within the body. It rolls about (lowly from right to left.
48. Enchelis Larva.
Enchelis elongata, medio papillula utrinque notata. A long
enchelis, with two little nipples projecting from the middle of the
body, one on each fide.
It is long, round, and filled with grey molecules ; the fore-part
is obtufe and pellucid ; a kind of neck, or fmall contraction, is
formed at Come little diftance' from this end. The lower part
nointed, about the middle o f the body there are two Email
49- Tn-
49. Enchelis Spatula.
Enchelis cylindrica ftriata, apice hyalino-fpatulata. A cylindrical
ftriated enchelis, the fore-part tranfparent, and o f the
fhape o f a fpatula.
This animalcu-lum is perfectly cylindrical, very pellucid, of a
cryftal-line appearance; it is marked with very fine longitudinal
furrows, and has generally two tranfparent globules, one placed
below the middle, the other near the extremity of the body; on
•the other fide are five fmaller ones, which are oval. The top is
-dilated, with the corners founded like the fpatula of the apothecaries.
It has a wavering kind of motion, folding the fpatula
varioufly, yet retaining the form in general. Muller mentions
his feeing it once draw the fpatula into the body, and keep it
there for two hours, when it again appeared.
50, Enchelis Pupula.
A cylindric enchelis, the fore-paf t papillary.
The fore-part is protuberandy round, and rather opake, the
hind-part pellucid, both extremities obtufe, fumifhed with a
papillary fmger-lhaped head, the hinder-part marked with a
tranfparent circle, or circular aperture. The fore-part filled up
with moveable molecules, which are more fcarce in the hinder-
part. It has a rotatory motion on a longitudinal axis, and moves
through the water in an oblique direction. It is to be found in
dunghill water in November and December.
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