kind o f peridaltie motion may be perceived. It is very rarely-
found.. and even then in fait water, a the neck, b the globular-
apex, c the body ciliated..
222. Trichoda Fimbriate, Fig, 2, Plate XXVI..
Trichoda obovata, apice crinita, poftiee oblique truncata fer-
rata. Obovated trichoda, the- apex hairy,, the hinder-part-.pE--
liquely truncated-and fer rated...
223. Trichoda Camelus-..
Trichoda antice crinita, craffiufcula medio utrinque emarginata.
Thiek, and the fore-part hairy, with notches on the- middle and |
each fide,
The fore-part of the body is ventricofe; the back is divided, by
an incifion in the middle, into two tubercles, the lower part o f the.-
Eelly. finuated. Languid in it’s motion. Is found, though hot.
often, ininfufions o f vegetables.
224. Trichoda Augur.
Trichoda oblonga, vertice truncata, antico corporis margine,,
fbperne pedata, inferne fetofa. The body oblong, depreffed,
pellucid, and filled with molecules; the vertex truncated, the :
fore-part forming a fmall beak, underneath are three, feet;
beyond thefe, towards thehinder-part, it is fumifhed with bridles..
Trichoda cucullata, fronte crinita, cauda iaflexa. This trichoda
is hooded, the front hairy, the tail infledled.
A t firft fight it refembles the pupa o f the gnat. The body is
rather round, pellucid, and may be defcribed as confiding of
three parts; the head, which is broad, and as it were hooded,
the top fumifhed with very fmall hairs, a tranfparent vedcle occupies
the lower region o f the head, and a certain produaion
hangs over the bread from the bafe o f the head, refembling the
fheath o f the feet in the pupa o f the gnat.
226. Trichoda Lunaris.
Trichoda arcuata, teres, apice crinita, cirro caudali indexo.
Arched trichoda, round, the apex hairy, the tail bent.
This animalculum bends itfelf in the form o f an arch, is round
and crydalline, the .hind-part fomewhat fmaller than the forepart;
the intedines are with difficulty didinguifhed. The edge
o f the back, and the part near the tail, are bright and clear.
227. Trichoda Bilunis.
Trichoda arcuata, depreda, apice crinita, cauda bifeta. Arched
dattened trichoda, the apex hairy, two little bridles proceed--
ing from the tail.