Mi cROSCGf ICAL E s say s . 59s
the hinder-part fumifhed.with two fafcicles o f ftrait and curved
The body flat, and filled with molecules; in the fore-part
there is an oblong empty fp ce , into which, under certain cir-
cumftances, we may fee the water as it were fucked in.
253. Trichoda Pulex. Fig. 12, Plate XXVI.
Trichoda ovata, antice incifa, fronte & bafi crinita. Egg-
{haped with an incifion in the fore-part, the front and the bafe
hair)', a the anterior, b the pofterior part, c the incifion.
254- Trichoda Lynceus. Fig. 16, Plate XXVI.
, Trichoda fubquadrata, roftro jj adunco, ore crinito. Nearly
fquare, with a crooked beak, the mouth hairy.
A t fir ft fight it does not appear very diflimilar to fome of the
monoculi. The body is membranaceous, and as it were com-
prefled, being broad without thicknefs, ftretched out into a beak
above,the lower part truncated; under thé beak is a little bundle
o f hairs, the lower edge bends in and out, and is girt round
with a few briftles. T h e inteftines are beautifully vifible, a fmall
bent tube goes from the mouth to the inteftines in the middle of
the body; thefe, as well as the tube, are in frequent agitation;
another tube is alfo perceivable between the fore and hind edge.
It Is filled with a blue liquor, a the beak, b the mouth, c the
255. Trichoda Erofa.
Trichoda orbicularis, antice emarginata, altero latere crinita,
poftice fetofa. Orbicular trichoda, the fore-part notched, one
fide fet with hairs, the hinder-part with briftles.
256. Trichoda Roftrata.
Trichoda deprefla, mutabilis, flavefcens, cilns longis fetifque
pediformibus. Deprefled trichoda, mutable, yellow, with long
ciliated hairs, and feet tapering to a point.
The body deprefled, both the feet and hairs are' within the
margin, the feet are four in number, one of them is longer than
the reft. The figure of the body is for the moft part fomewhat
triangular, the apex formed into a kind of obtufe. beak ; the beak
is fometimes drawn in fo that the animalculum then appears altogether
orbicular. Found in water where duck-weed has been
257. Trichoda Lagena.
Trichoda teres, ventricofa, roftro produda, poftice fetofa.
Round ventricofe trichoda, with a long neck, the lower end fet
with briftles.