377. Brachionus Urceolaris.
Fig. 56 and 57, Plate XXVI. and Fig. 36, 37, 38; Plate XXII:.
For a full defcription o f this fee page 448;
378. Braehionus Bakeri. Eig. 585 Plate XXVI.
Brachionus capfularis, tefta ventricofa, apice quadridentata,
bafi bicorni, cauda longa, bieufpi. Capfular brachionus, the
fhell ventricofe, four teeth at the apex, two horns at the bafe;
the tail long, and terminating in two Ihort points.
This differs confiderably from the foregoing in the lhape o f the
{hell, from each fide o f which there is a curved projeftion inclining
towards the tail, nearly o f the fame length with it, and
terminating in a point. The upper part: alfo of the fhell is o f a
different form, having in general four longer fpieul*, and two
fhorter ones. From the head, two arms, or branches, are frequently
extended ; the circular end o f each is furnilhed with- a
border o f little hairs, which one while move in a vibratory manner,
at another time they have a rotatory motion. The eggs are
either affixed to the tail, or the curved part o f the fhell; they
have from one- to five hanging from them. Mr. Muller has further
difcovered two final] feelers, and a kind of tongue to this
little creature, a the rotatory organ, b the tongue, c the feelers,
d. a ciliated, part on the fide of the fhell.
379. ‘ Brachionus Patulus.
Brachionus capfularis, tefta ventrofa, apice oftodentata, bafi
lunata quadricorni, cauda brevi bieufpi. Capfular brachionus,
die fhell ventrofe, eight teeth at the apex, the bafe lunated or
hollowed into the form of a crefcent, and furnifhed with four
horns, tire tail Ihort, with two fmall points at the end.