323. Vorticella Togata.
Vorticella fubquadrata, apertura integra, fpinis caudalibus
binis, plerumque unitis. Square vorticella, the aperture not divided,
the tail conlifting o f two longfpines, which are fometimes
fo united as to appear as one.
The body is convex, o f a dark colour, filled with molecules,
the middle part pellucid, the hinder-part rather broader than the*
fore-part, the fore-part ciliated, the tail formed of two very thin
pellucid fpines, which are fomewhat curved, and much longer
than the'body. ; ’
324. Vorticella Longifeta.
Vorticella elongata, compreffa, fetis caudalibus binis longiffi-
mis. Long vorticella, flat, the tail formed o f two very long
The fore-part finuated, and fet with minute cilia; the two
briflles which conflitute the tail are long, but one is longer than
the other.
325. Vorticella Rotatoria. Fig. 46, 47, 48, 49, PI. XXVI. A.
Vorticella cylindrica, pedicello collari, cauda longa quadra-
cufpi. Cylindrical vorticella, with a little foot projecting from
the neck, a long tail furnifhed with four points.
Brachionus corpore conico fubsequali. Hill Hift. Anim.
Brachionus corpore conico torulofo. Ditto,
Brachionus. Pallas Zooph. 50.
Joblot Microf. part 2, p. 77, plate 10, fig. 18; and p. 96,
plate 5, A B C D E K.
Adams’s Micrographia Illuftrata, p. 148, plate 40, fig. 255.
Leeuwenhoeck Contin. Arc. Nat. p. 386, f. 1, 2.
Baker’s Microf. Exp. p. 95, pi. 6, f. 6, 7, 8.
Baker’s Empl. for the Micr. p. 348, 379, pi. 11, f. 1 to 13 ;
and fig. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 11', 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,
22, 23, of plate XXVI. A, belonging to the work.
Spallanz. Opufc. 2 p. 301, 345, pi. 4, f. 3 to 5.
Rozier Journal Phyfique, 1775, p. 220.
No perfon feems to have fucceeded fo well in the defcription of
the wheel animalculum as Mr. Baker, and all fucceeding writers
refer us to him for a full account of this little creature. What I
fhail fay upon this animalculum will therefore be taken chiefly
from him, though with fuch additions and alterations as appear
to me neceffary to render his account complete,
4 G It