empty fpace. The apex is obtufe, and rather globofe ; it lias a
power of contracting and drawing in the filiform part.
77. Vibrio Anas.
Vibrio oblon<ms,utroque fine attenuates, collo cauda longiore.
Oblong vibrio, both ends attenuated, the neck longer than die
The trunk round, oblong, opake, and crammed with molecules.
Both the fore and the hind-part is prolonged into -a pellucid
talcy membrane, which the animalculum has a power of retracting
at pleafure. The neck is longer than the tail, and the tail
is more acute than the neck. It is moll generally found in fait
water; a fpecies o f them have heen found in riyer water, with a
longer neck.
78. Vibrio Cygnus.
Vibrio ventricofus, collo adunco. Corpulent vibrio, with a
crooked neck.
This animalculum is little more than a moll pellucid' line,
-crooked at top, prominent in the middle, and {harp at the end;
the fore-part, or neck, is equal in length to the reft o f the body,
and three times longer than the hind-part, or tail, the intermediate
part fwelling out, and is full o f darkilh molecules and pellucid
inteftines. It is very fmall, and the moll flothful of all
thofe which move and advance their necks.
79. Vibrio
79. Vibrio Anfer. Fig. 27 and 29, Plate XXV.
Vibrio ellipticus, collo longo, tuberculo dorfali. Elliptical
vibrio, with, a long neck, and a little lump oh the back.
*It is between the vibrio proteus and vibrio falx, and is diftin-
guifhed by the lump b, Fig. 29, on the back, placed behind the
neck ; from this an even long neck (a) proceeds.
The trunk (d) is elliptic, round, and without any lateral inequality,
full of molecules, the hind-part (harp and bright, the
fore-part produced into a bending neck, that is longer than the
body ; the apex even and whole, blue canals paffing between the
marginal edges, occupying the whole length of the neck ; in one
■ of them a vehement defeent of water to the beginning of the
trunk is: perceivable.
The motion of the body is flow, that o f the neck is more lively
and flexuous, fometimes fpiral. It is found in water where there
is duck-weed.
80. Vibrio Olor. Fig. 28, Plate XXV.
Vibrio ellipticus, collo longiffimo, apice nodofo. Elliptical,
with a very long neck, and a knob on the apex.
An animalculum which is continually moving it’s lively neck.
The form of the body is elliptical and ventricofe, the hind-part
fomewhat {harp. It is membranaceous, dilatable, winding
varioufly ; the hind-part is fometimes replete with darkifti mole-
2 q cules.