314. Vorticella Ampulla. Fig. 4 and 5, Plate XXVI. A.
Vorticella folliculo ampulaceo, pellucido, capite bilobo. This
vorticella is contained in a pellucid bottle-lhaped bag, the head
of it is divided into two lobes.
Little more need be faid to enable the reader to know this animalculum,
if he fhould meet with it, than to obferve that the
bag is pouch in the fhape o f the common, water-bottle; that the
animalculum is fometimes to be obferved at the bottom o f it,
fometimes nearly filling it.
315. Vorticella Folliculata.
Vorticella oblonga, folliculo cylindraceo hyalino. Oblong
.vorticella, in a bright cylindrical bag.
This animalculum is gelatinous and cylindrical; when at it’s
greatefl extenlion, the bafe appears attenuated, and the apex
316. Vorticella Larva.
Vorticella cylindrica, apertura lunata, fpinis caudalibus binis.
Cylindrical vorticella, the aperture fomewhat in the fhape o f a
crefcent, two fmall thorny points projecting from the hinder-part.
The head, the trunk, and the tail may be eafily diftinguifhed
from each other. It is o f a clay-colour, the aperture ciliated ;
a glo-
M i c r o s c o p i c a l E s say s . 621
a globular projection may at times be feen to proceed from the
317. Vorticella Succolata. Fig. 42 and 43, Plate XXVI.
Vorticella inverfe conica, apertura lunata, trunco poflice bi-
dentato, cauda elongata biphylla. This vorticella is in figure
an inverted cone, the aperture o f a crefcent fhape, the lower
part of the trunk is notched, forming, as it were two teeth, the
tail biphyllous.
Each o f thefe parts is furrounded with a loofe bright fkin, the
head is divided from the trunk by a deep incifion. a a a fmall
points projecting from the head, b the cilia, c and d the interior
parts; 1, Fig. 42, the little horn at the bottom o f the trunk.
318. Vorticella Aurita.
Vorticella cylindrico-ventrofa, apertura mutica, ciliis 'utrinque
rotantibus cauda, articulata biphylla. Cylindrical ventrofe vorticella,
the aperture deftitute of hairs, both fides o f it furnifhed
with rotatory cilia, the tail biphyllous.
31 c . Vorticella Tremula.
Vorticella inverfe conica, apertura lobata fpinulofa, cauda
brevi unicufpi. This vorticella is fomewhat o f a conical fhape,
the mouth divided into parts which are fet with fmall fpines or
thorns, a point projefts from the tail.