ft ripped o f thefe, the wing is tranfparent and colourlefs. By the
afliftance o f the microfcope, we difcover that this duft is a regular
affemblage o f organized fcales, which will be more particularly
defcribed hereafter. A few o f thefe, as feed in the'micro-
fcope, are exhibited in Plate 16, Fig. F E H I.
The following names are* made life o f to deferibe the different
kinds o f wings. They are firft diftinguifhed, with!refpe& to their
furfaces, into superior and inferior. The part next the head
is called the an te rio r part, that neareft the tail the Posterior
part. T he intertor part is1 that next the abdomen ; the
ex ter io r part is the outermoft edge.
. Thole wings are termed p u c a t il e s , which are folded when
the rnfeCl is at reft, as in the'wafp: '
Pl a n a , thofe which are incapable1 of-being folded. '
E rect A:, whofe fuperior fur fades are brought in contact when
the infeft is at reft, as in the ephemera, papilionesj &c.
Pa t e n t e s , if they are extended hOriiontally when the infeft
is at reft, as in the phalasnae gedmetra.
Incumbentes, thofe infefts which, when they are not in motion,
cover horizontally with their wings the fuperior part o f the
P e f l e x a ; thefe are alfoincumbentes, but not horizontally,
the outer edges declining towards the fides.
6 R e v e r se ,
R e vers a; are al/o deflexas, with this addition, that the edges
of the inferior wing projeft from under the anterior part o f the
fuperior one.
D e n t a t /E, with fcolloped edges.
Ca u d a t a ; in thefe fome :o f the fibres o f the wing are extended
beyond the margin into a.kind o f tail.
R e t ic u l a t a , when the veins or membranes o f the wings put
on the appearance.pf net-work.
The wings are further diftinguifhed by their ornaments being
painted with fpots (maculce), bands (fafcice) , ftreaks (Jlrigce):
when thefe are extended lengthways, they are called lines (linos) ;
and if \vith dots, punclce; one or more, rings are termed eyes,
ocellus; if the fpots are fhaped like a kidney, they are termed.
The elytra, or cruftaceous cafes o f the wings, are extended
when the infeft flies, and fhut when it refts, forming a longitudinal
future down the middle o f the back; they are of various
fhapes, and are diftinguifhed by the following names :
A b re v i a t a, when they are fhorter than the abdomen.
T r u n c a t a , when the extremity terminates in a tranfverfe
direft line.
Se r r a t a ,