jeft. It is true, it is precluded by it’s form from fome o f the
advantages o f the two foregoing inftruments, becaufe both the
flage and the mirror are confined.
This microfcope confifts o f a large exterior body A B C D,
fupported on three fmall fcroles, which are fixed to the flage
E F : the flage is fupported by three larger fcroles, that are
fcrewed to the mahogany pedeftal G H . There is a drawer in
the pedeftal which holds the apparatus. The concave mirror is
fitted to a focket in the center of the pedeftal. The lower part
L M C D o f the body forms an exterior tube, into which the up-
' per part of the body A B L M Hides, and may be moved up or
down, fo as to bring the magnifiers, which are fcrewed on at N,
nearer to, or further from the object.
T o use Culpeper's Microscope.
Screw one o f the buttons which contains a magnifying lens, to
the end N o f the body place the Aider, with the objefts, between
the plates o f the flider-holder. Then, to attain diftinft
vifion, and a pleafing view of the objeft, adjuft the body to the
focus o f the lens you are uling, by moving the upper part gently
up and down, and regulate the light by the concave mirror.
For opake objefts, two additional pieces muft be ufed; the firft
is, a cylindrical tube of brafs, reprefented at X, Plate IX. which
fits on the cylindrical part at N o f the body; the fecond piece is
the concave fpeculum H, Plate IX. this is to be fcrewed to the
lower end o f the aforefaid tube: the upper edge o f this tube
fhould be made to coincide with the line, which has the fame
4 __ number
number affixed to it, as to the magnifier you are uling; ex. gr.
i f you are making ufe of the magnifier marked 5, Aide the tube
to the circular line on the tube N, that is marked alfo with
No. 5.
The flider-holder fhould be removed when you are going to
view opake objefts, and a plane glafs fhould be placed on the
flage in it’s ftead to receive the objeft; or it may be placed in
the nippers L , Plate IX. the pin o f which fits into the hole in
the flage.
A L ist of the A pparatus to Culpeper’s M icroscope.
Five magnifiers, each fitted in a brafs button; one o f thefe is
feen at B, Plate IX.
Six ivory Aiders, five o f them with objefts.
A brafs tube X, Plate IX. to hold the concave fpeculum,
The concave fpeculum in a brafs box.
A fifh-pan,
A fet o f glafs tubes.
A flat glafs fitted to the flage.
A concave glafs fitted to the flage.