171. Leucophra Heteroclka. Fig. 44 and 45.
Leucophra cylindnca, antice obtufa, poftice organo criflat©
e duplici exfertili. Cylindrical leucophra, the fore-part obtule, the
hind-part furnifhed with a double-tufted organ, which it can
thruft in or out at pleafure. T o the naked eye it appears as a
white point, in the microfcope as a cylindrical body, the forepart
obtufely round, the middle rather drawn in, the lower part
•round, but much fmaller than the upper part. With a large
magnifying power the whole body is found, to be ciliated. The
inteftines are very vilible. It is reprefented in Fig. 44 as ^ generally
appears, in Fig. 45 with the plumed organs, a the forepart,
b the hind-part, d the hooked inteftines, ii the plumes, g g
the fheaths from which they are projefted.
XIII. T r i c h o d a .
Vermis inconfpicuus, pellucidus, crinitus. An invifible, pellucid,
hairy worm.
172. Trichoda Grandinella.
Trichoda fphaerica, pellucida, foperne crinata. Spherical,
-pellucid, the upper part hairy.
A molt minute pellucid globule, the inteftines fcarce vilible,
the top of it’s furface furnifhed with two, three, or more fhort
.hriftles, which are with difficulty feen, the animalculum extending,
g and
and then withdrawing them in an inftant. It is found in pure
water, and in infulions o f vegetables.
173. Trichoda Cometa. Fig. 46 and 47, Plate XXV.
Trichoda fphserica, antice crinita, globulo appendente. Spherical,
the fore-part hairy, with an appendant globule.
It is a pellucid globule, replete with bright inteftines, the forepart
furnifhed with hairs, the hind-part with a pellucid appendant
174. Trichoda Granata. Fig. 48, Plate XXV.
Trichoda fphaerica, centra opaco, peripheria crinata. Spherical,
with an opake center, the periphery hairy.
It refembles the trichoda grandinella and trichoda cometa. It
has a darkifh nucleus in the center; it’s inteftines are impercepti-"
ble; fhort hairs on the edge.
175. Trichoda Trochus.
Trichoda fubpiriformis, pellucida, antice utrinque crinita.
Trichoda fomewhat of a pear-fhape, pellucid, each fide o f tire
fore-part diftinguifhed by a little bunch of hairs.
c« 1 Z 17& Tri