85. Cyclidium Fluitans.
Cyclidium ovale cryftallinum. Oval cryftalline cyclidium.
This is one of the fmalleft animalcula. The body of an oval,
or rather a fuborbicular fhape, deprelfed, cryftalline; two fmall
blue fpaces may be difcovered, by the affiftance o f the micro-
fcope, at the Tides o f this little creature.
86. Cyclidium Glaucoma.
Cyclidium ovatum, interaneis asgre confpicuis. Oval Cycli-
dium, the inteftines perceived with difficulty.
A pellucid aval body, both ends plain, or an oval membrane,
with a diftinft well-defined edge; the inteftines, when it is
empty, are fo tranfparent, that they are with difficulty difcerned ,
being full, they are manifefted by their green colour ; dark globules
are difcoverable in the middle.
In plenty of water ft moves fwiftly in a circular and diagonal
direction; whenever it moves flowly it leems to be taking in
water, the inteftines are then alfo in a violent commotion. Two
o f the' fmaller ones may often be perceived cohering to each
other, and drawing one another by turns; nor are they feparated
by death, for they remain united even when the water is evaporated.
The unlkilful in obfervation mull be careful left they
miftake the {hade in a fingle one for a junflion of two, or the
junction of two for a copulation, -for they generate by divi'fion.
87. Cycli- 4
- 87. Cyclidium Nigricans..
Cyclidium oblongiufculum, margine nigricans. Oblong cyclidium,
with a black margin.
It is very fmall, pellucid, flat,, and with a black margin. With
a fmall magnifier it may be miftaken for an enchelis.
88, .. Cyclidium Roftratium.
C y c lid ium o v a le , antice mucronatum. An o v a l cy clidium,
the fore-part pointed.
This is an oval, fmooth, and very pellucid animalculum, the
fore-part produced into an obtufe point; with this it feels and
examines bodies. It is probably ciliated, though the hairs have
not been difcovered.
The inteftines are filled with a bide liquor, forming, in a tube,
which, from the aperture to the middle of the body, is divided,
into two legs, or branches; beyond the middle there are two
little tranfverfe blue lines.. The colour fometimes vanilhes, an
then only vehicular inteftines are difcerned.
89. Cyclidium Nucleus.
Cyclidium ovale, peftice acuminatum. An oval cyclidium,
the hind-part pointed.