153. Leucophra Pertufa.
Leucophra ovalis, gelatinofa, apice truncato obtufa, altera
Iatera fuffoffa. Oval gelatinous leucophra, the apex, obtufely
truncated, one fide funk down.
Gelatinous, yellow, without any fmall or large molecules; the.
fore-part truncated, the hind-part brought nearly to a point, a
kind o f oval hole on one fide. It was found in fait water.
154. Leucophra FraQa.
Leucophra elongata, finuato anguiata fubdepreffa. Leucophra
long, with finuated angles,, rather flat.
The body is, white, gelatinous, granulated, flat, changing its;
form confiderably..
trg. Leucophra Dilatata-..
Leucophra compl'anata, mutbbilis, marginibus finuatis. Smooth"
changeable leucophra; with-a finuated. edge.
A gelatinous membrane, with a few grey molecules in the forepart,
and a great number- in. the hinder-part; it is fometimes
dilated into a triangular form, with finuated f idesat other.timesi
the Ihape is more irregular and. oblong.
■ 156. Leucophra Scintillans.
Leucophra ovalis, teres, opaca viridis. Oval, round, opake,
green leucophra.
This animalculum is fuppofed to be ciliated, from it’s bright
twinkling appearance, which probably arifes from the motion
it gives the water; it is nearly o f an egg-fhape. Was found in
December among the lefler lemnae.
157. Leucophra Veficulifera. Fig. 41, Plate XXV.
L eu co p h ra ov ata , interaneis veficularibus. O v a l leucophra,
w ith v eficu lar inteftines.
An animalculum that is a kind o f mean between the orbicular
and oval, very pellucid, with a defined dark edge and infide,
containing fome very bright veficles, or little bladders. The
middle often appears blue, fo that the little bright veficles feem
fet in a cerulean fubftance. Muller could never perceive any of
thofe rays which are mentioned by Spalanzani; he confeffes,
however, that he once faw an individual like this environed with
very fmall unequal fhining rays.
158. Leucophra Globulifera.
Leucophra cryftallina, ovato-oblonga. Cryftalline leucophra,
o f an oblong oval fhape.