This is filled with grey molecules, and is as broad as it is long
the apex truncated and ciliated, both angles of the bafe projefting
outwards, one fomewhat like a wart, the other like a finger.
Found in marfhy waters.
297. Vorticella Papillaris.
Vorticella ventricofa, antice truncata, papilla caudali & late-
rali hyalina. Ventricofe vorticella, the fore-part truncated, a
papillary tail, and a fplendid papillary excrefcence on the fide.
Is an inhabitant of marlhes, where the conferva nitida is met
298. Vorticella Sacculus.
Vorticella cylindracea, apertura repanda, margine reflexo.
Cylindrical vorticella, the aperture broad and flat, the edge turned
A thick animalculum, every-where of .an equal diameter, and
filled with molecules; the edge o f the mouth bent back, the
hinder-part obtufe, fometimes notched and contrafted, cilia to
be feen on both lides the mouth.
'299. Vorticella Cirrata.
“Vorticella ventrofa, apertura finuata, cirro utrinque ventrali.
Ventrofe vorticella, the aperture finuated, two tufts o f hair on
■ each fide o f the belly. It is an inhabitant of the water in ditches.
M i c rgs cop i c a l E s s a y s .
300. Vorticella Nafuta. Fig. 38, 39, Plate XXVI.
Vorticella cylindracea, crateris medio mucrone prominente.
Cylindrical, with a prominent point in the middle of the cup.
An animalculum that is invifible to the naked e y e ; but when
it is armed with microfcopic lenfes, it appears curioufly furniftied
with a rotatory organ, which encompalfes the, middle o f . the
It is pellucid, cylindrical, o f an unequal fize, the fore-part (a)
truncated and ciliated, and a triangular prominency (e) in the
middle o f the aperture ; the hind-part obtufe, a point on each
fide o f the middle o f the body. This is the appearance of
this Iittle.creaturewhen in motion; but when the water is nearly
exhaled, fome further parts o f it’s ftruöure are rendered vifible ;
befides the, rotatory organ in the anterior part, another is now
difcovered encompaffing, the middle of the body; the hairs of
this are in vehement motion. There are other fafcicles o f moving
hairs to be difcovered at the fame time. The variegated
and quick motion of this apparatus (more particularly if the
animalculüm is big with young, and moving at the fame time
within the mother,) fill the mind with amazement.
301. Vor