whole, lometimes broken: when at reft, it occafionally twills into
various folds.
It may be obferved ealily with the firft lens o f the ftngle micro-
fcope, and is probably the fame animalculum mentioned by
Leeuwenhoeck in all his works, as found in the dung o f frogs,
and in the fpawn of the male libellula. It is to be found in
marfhy water in Kovember, though but feldom.
59. Vibrio IntefBnum.
Vibrio gelatinofus, teres, antice anguftatus. This vibrio is
gelatinous, round, the fore-part final!.
It is cylindric, milk-coloured, and flender towards the top,
both ends obtufe; no traces of inteftines to be difcovered, though
- four or five fpherica! eggs are perceived at the extremity o f the
hind-part. It can draw the fore-part fo much inwards as to give
it a truncated and dilated appearance, fomething like a fpatula.-
It s motion is flow and progreffive. They are found in marfhy
60. Vibrio Bipunfiatus,
Vibrio linearis, aequalis, utraque extremitate truneata, globulis
binis mediis. Linear vibrio, o f an equal fize throughout, both
ends truncated, and two fmall globules in the middle of the body.
It is o f a fmall fize, and rather lefs than the following animalculum,
the body o f a pellucid talc-like appearance, the fore and
part truncated ; in the middle are two (fometimes there is
only one) pellucid globules, placed lengthways. It moft commonly
moves forwards in a ftrait line; it’s movements, are flow.
It was found in {linking fait water.
61. Vibrio Trip unflatus.
Vibrio linearis, mtrinque attenuatus, globulis tribus, extremis
minonbus. Linear vibrio, both the ends fmaller than the middle,
furnifhed with three globular points, the two which are at
the extremities being fmaller than that at the middle.
The body is pellucid, talcy, each of the ends rather tapering,
furnifhed with three pellucid globules, the middle one is the
largeft, the fpace between thefe globules is generally filled with a
green matter ; in fome there is nothing of the green fubftance
near the extremities, but only about the middle. It feldom
moves far, and then it’s motion is reflihnear, backwards and
62. Vibrio Paxilifer.
Vibrio flavefcens paleisgregariis multifariam ordlnatis, Fig.
13, 14, 15, Plate XXV. Yellow, gregarious, ftraw-like vibrio.
This is a wonderful animalculum, or rather a.congeries of ani-
malcula. It is invifible to the naked eye, and confifis of a tranf
parent membrane, with yellow inteftines, and two or three vifible.
points; they are generally found collefted together in different