181. Trichoda Urnula. Fig. 64.
Trichoda urceolaris, antice crinita. This trichoda is in the-
form o f a water pitcher, the fore-part hairy.
A membranaceous pellucid animalculum, the hmd-part obtufe,
the middle fomething broader, the fore-part truncated, filled!
with vehicular black molecules; the hairs in the fore-part are-
even and fhort. It’s motion is flow.
182. Trichoda Diota..
Trichoda urceolaris, antice anguftata, ora apicis utrinque crinita.
Pitcher-fhaged trichoda, the fore-part fmalleft, each edge-
o f the upper-part o f the mouth hairy.
The body is. of a clay colour, and filled with molecules; the?
lower part fpherieal, the upper part-cylindrical, and.truncated-
1185. Trichoda Horrida,.
Trichoda fubconica antice latiufcula, truncata poflice obtufa,
fetis radiantibus cinfta. Trichoda fomewhat o f a conical-form,,
the fore-part rathqr broad and truncated; the lower part obtufe;,
the body covered with radiating briltles,
184. Trichoda Urinarium.
Trichoda ovata, roftro breviffimo crinito. Egg-fhaped, with
a fhort hairy beak.
185, Trichoda Semiluna.
Trichoda femiorbicularis, antice fubtus crinita. Semiorbicu-
lar, the fore-part hairy underneath.
A pellucid fmooth animalculum, refembling the figure o f the
moon in the firft quarter.
186. Trichoda Trigona. Fig. 63;
Trichoda convexa, antice ciliata, poflice erofa. Convex, the
fore-part ciliated, the hind-part as it were gnawed off..
This is a triangular animalculum-, a Tittle convex on bothfides,.
the fore-part acute, the hind-part a little broader. A notch is
feen at a in the hind-part, b the ciliated fore-part, c a tube..
187. Trichoda Tinea.
Trichoda clavata, antice crinita, poflice groffa. This is clubbed,
the fore-part hairy, the hind-part large.
This animalculum is round, not very pellucid, refembling an
inverted club, narrow before; it is alfo like feme o f the tinea.
188. T r i