370. Brachionus Dentatus.
Brachionus bivalvis, tefta arcuata, apice et bafi utrinque den-
tata, cauda fpina duplici. Bivalved brachionus, with an arched
{hell, the apex and the bafe are both toothed, the tail formed of
two fpines.
371. Brachionus Mucronatus.
Brachionus bivalvis, fubquadrata, apice et baft utrinque tnu-
cronata, cauda fpina duplici. Bivalved, fomewhat o f a fquare
form, the bafe and apex pointed, the tail confifting o f two fpines.
372. Brachionus Uncinatus. Fig. 55, Plate XXVI.
Brachionus bivalvis, tefta ovali, apice integra, baft mucronata,
cauda rugofa bifeta. Bivalved brachionus,. with an oval {hell,
the apex even, the bafe pointed, two thick briftles for the tail.
This is one o f thé fmalleft bivalved animalcula, the apex and
anterior part round, the hinder-part lirait, terminating in a point,
mufcular, furnilhed with a hook on the fore-part, a fmall rotatory
organ, a tail compofed of joints, long, and cloven at the end into
two briftles. it can open it’s {hell both, at the fore and hind-part,
a the {hell when clofe, c the pofterior point, d the animalculum,
h the tail, i the briftles.
373. Brachionus Cirratus.
Brachionus capfularis, tefta apice produfta, baft curti, bicorni,
cauda bifeta. Larger than the preceding, ventricofe, fomewhat
pellucid, die head conical, on both fides o f which is a bundle of
hairs; it has alfo a rotatory organ.
374. Brachionus Paffus.
Brachionus capfularis, tefta cylindracea, fronds cirris binis
pendulis, fetaque caudali unica. Capfular brachionus, in a cylin-
dric {hell, two long pendulous locks o f hair proceed from the
front, the tail confifts o f a fingle briftle.
373. Brachionus Ouadratus.
Brachionus capfularis, tefta quadrangula, apice bidentata, baft
bicorni, cauda nulla. Capfular brachionus, in a quadiangular
{hell, with two fmall teeth at the apex, two horns proceed from
the bafe, it has no tail.
376. Brachionus Impreffus.
Brachionus capfularis, tefta quadrangula, apice Integra, baft
obtufi emarginata, cauda flexuofa. Capfular brachionus, the
{hell quadrangular, the apex fmooth or undivided, the bafe ob-
tufe, the margin notched, the tail flexuous or bending.
4 K 377. Bra